(Updated) Chapter 13- A Small Favor

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It's mid September now. The weather has begun it's official descent from Summer to Fall, my favorite time of year. It's the short window of time when all the trees are colored warm oranges and reds before everything turns bleak and gray. I'm totally living for this weather! This is the only time of year when pulling out chunky sweaters and beanies still feels fun. Don't get me wrong, Winter in Michigan can be pretty sometimes too but the constant bitter cold that it brings, requiring you to dress in jackets that look like sleeping bags gets old fast. So for now I'm going to soak up every minute of this perfect Autumn season. All the deliciously sweet hot apple ciders, crunching leaves when I walk, visits to local orchards, even the way the air feels on my skin is perfection. Ahh I love it.

I park in my usual spot in the school's parking lot. As I get out of my car there's a pep in my step when I'm heading towards the school. It can only be explained by how perfect the trees look today and has absolutely nothing to do with all the texting I was doing with Tyler Johnson over the weekend. Let's not forget, we're just friends, obvi.

I see Tyler's Jeep come blazing into the parking lot, narrowly missing a couple girls walking into school. I decide it's better I don't stop to see him. My feelings for Tyler keep growing and I want to protect myself from getting hurt. He's a big flirt and I know it.

"Hey Bruiser! Wait up!" Tyler calls out across the parking lot to me as he jumps out of his car.

I keep going without turning back, pretending I don't hear him.

"Hey, didn't you hear me? Where you headed in such a hurry? You look very pretty this morning." Tyler gives me a charming grin.

"Oh I'm sorry, didn't know you were speaking to me. Thought you were talking to someone named Bruiser." I give Tyler a dramatic eye roll. A skill I mastered from using it so much on Charlie, Lucas and Tuck over the years.

"Don't give me that look, you love that I have a nickname for you. Not everyone is so special." Tyler swings his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

I must admit, even if Tyler's only being playful right now the sudden unexpected closeness to him catches me off guard. The familiar scent of sandalwood and citrus fills my senses. Being held by him is comfortable and terrifying all at the same time. I have to use all of my will power to fight off his effortless charms and snap back to reality from my impending daydreams.

"Oh quit it." I shove his arm off playfully. "You know exactly why you call me Bruiser and it has a lot more to do with me hating the name then you thinking I'm someone special."

"Think what you want." Tyler counters back, opening the school's front door for me. "After you princess. Oh wait, I'm not allowed to call you any nicknames, I forgot." He gives me a mischievous grin.

This time I can't resist Tyler's charming wit. A small laugh sneaks past my lips. My plan to try and ignore him isn't going to be easy on me. I walk inside with Tyler trailing right behind. The school lobby is packed with people which quickly snaps me back to reality. Instantly I feel like one in the crowd, a feeling I'm all too familiar with. Tyler has the exact opposite demeanor around all our fellow classmates I mean he's practically a celebrity at our school. Everyone makes room for him to walk by. Being beside him as everyone greets him makes me feel invisible and for the first time I'm not relieved to feel that way. I used to wish to blend in, but now it feels different and I'm not exactly sure why. A moment later some of Tyler's teammates swoop in. They grab him before I have the chance to say another word to him. I watch as he gets further down the hallway, engulfed in whatever the guys are talking about. All the girls along the way stop and stare as he goes by. My heart sinks a little in my chest.

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