(Updated) Chapter 5- Lunch

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Just like this morning I sense many sets of eyes watching me while Payton leads the two of us through the crowded lunchroom. This school is much smaller than my old school in the suburbs of Chicago. I didn't know half of the kids in my grade there so it was a lot easier to blend in. Here it's different, I stick out like a sore thumb. I'm hoping like most things in high school, something else will happen that's more newsworthy and my being new here gets forgotten quickly. I don't know how much longer I can handle all this extra attention if not.

It's clear we've arrived at our table when a trio of cheers echoes above all the other cafeteria chatter. All of the girls get up and take turns hugging Payton.

"Alright, alright enough hugs. You guys act like we didn't just spend every waking moment with each other this summer. Ladies, I want to introduce you to Romeo's next great Bulldog Cheerleading Legend, Lila Daniels!" Payton gestures towards me. She's doing that thing again where she decides for me that I'm joining the cheer team before I actually commit to it. Right on cue she begins to laugh as if she is reading my mind.

"Ok well she *may not* have agreed just yet, but Lila's coming to practice today and I know once she meets everyone on the team and gets a taste of what it's like she won't be able to resist." Payton adds as I turn to greet her friends.

"Hi, nice to meet you all. Payton has told me so much about all of you today."

"Hey Lila, it's so nice to finally meet you. The whole school's been buzzing all day about the new girl! Also, ignore Payton's antics, that's what we all do anyways! Unfortunately once Payton has her mind set on something it's pretty much impossible to stop her." The tall stunning blonde says with a laugh. "I'm Kelly by the way. And just so we're clear, we would really love to have you join our team but only if you're interested."

"Thanks, Kelly." I say with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Lila, I'm Rachel." Says the petite brunette with dark complexion. "Kelly is right, Payton is impossible when she feels passionately about something or I guess in this case, someone. You might as well give up fighting her now to save yourself some time. Trust us, it's easier!"

Payton's friends all burst out laughing. I do the same joining them. I'm happy to find Payton doesn't seem upset in the slightest by her friends poking fun at her.  When the laughter dies down the quietest friend in the bunch introduces herself to me.

"Hi Lila, my name is Claire. I think we might have had science this morning together. How are you liking Romeo so far?" Claire has light brown hair that's pulled into a low twist and the pale blue in her dress brings out her soft blue eyes. Her demeanor is subtle and understated, sort of like how I feel I am at times.

"Hi Claire, yeah I think you're right, Mr. Wertzel? Glad to know you're in that class too. All and all today has gone pretty smoothly so far, nothing major to report." Except for that one teeny tiny part of the day where I plowed down the hot senior football player in the hallway and he turned out to be Payton's brother, but no biggie.

"Glad to hear you're adjusting to Romeo so well. If it were me I think I'd be having a hard time." Claire confesses quietly as we all get settled into the lunch table and begin eating. I knew I could sense this girl and I were alike.

"So Lila, I'm dying to know as an outsider coming in. What do you think about the guys at our school? Anyone caught your eye yet?!" Kelly blurts, a mischievous smirk on her face as she waits in anticipation.

My face immediately turns crimson. How the heck am I supposed to respond to that?! The truth is yes, someone has definitely caught my attention. He quite literally caught me while I was flying through the air, actually. But he's also a super gorgeous senior, the older brother of the first friend I've been able to make at this school and already made it clear he sees me only as a friend. Besides, Tyler is way out of my league so I don't see the point in admitting to Payton I think her brother is dreamy. I mean what if she didn't like hearing that and got upset? I don't want to jeopardize my new friendship over a lost cause. I'm fumbling around in my brain to come up with an answer for Kelly when Payton senses how uncomfortable I am and cuts in.

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