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"ok y'all can stop laughing now" I said, annoyed.

"you really thought we didn't eat and just drank blood?!" Heeseung asked, laughing his ass off.

everyone was laughing at my question.

"ok it's not my fault ! I'm still new to this whole vampire thing!" I defended.

"y/n, how else do you think we get nutrition? we can't always drink blood because that would be decreasing our population size dramatically. we have to stay low, so we eat carnivores and human food for our body to stay healthy" Ryunjin said, laughing at me.

I crossed my arms and pouted. "aw y/n don't be sulky, we are just messing with you" sunoo said.

"do you have any other questions?" Sunghoon asked.

I thought of any questions , making sure I didn't seem like an idiot again.

"uhm are y'all or have y'all been romantically involved with someone?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at Hana.

"me and Ryunjin have been together for about 5 months now." Jay said.

I nodded my head .

"anyone else??" I asked, trying to let everyone know I'm no threat.

everyone was quiet, and I shifted my gaze to Jake who didn't answer and was eating his food.

"nope. I mean I'm sure someone likes someone in this house hold but we won't expose them" Niki said, nudging sunghoon.

I laughed. "ok we'll I'm done, I'm gonna go to bed. night guys !!" I said, getting up from my chair and putting my dishes in the sink.

I walked up the stairs on my way to my room.

the air as I was walking down the hallway grew eerie. it was that same feeling I had when the fog in my bathroom appeared.

I stopped. the air around me grew thick.

it became hard to breath. "w-whos there?" I said. My eyes panned around me , looking for what or who was doing this.

as I was looking around , the air around me became heavier, but it also became cold. ice cold.

it was freezing around my body. I could see my breath everytime I exhaled.

"guys?" I asked. no answer.

'maybe I'm just hallucinating, let's just get back to my room.' I thought to myself.

I turned my head back , about to finish my walk to my room, when I felt a cold, hard hand hold my shoulder.

"Scared y/n?" I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear. I shivered.

"not talking hm?" the voice said. I turned my head to look back to where the voice was coming from, and saw Jake.

"Jake, w-what are you doing?" I asked, fear in my eyes.

"I dont know why they trust you. maybe because you've known Hana since you were young, but let me get one thing straight through your stubborn brain." He hissed.

he started walking towards me, making me back pedal until my back hit the wall.

'damnit' I uttered to myself.

he came closer, until we were about a foot away from each other.

"I don't like you, and I want to kill you. but you haven't done anything that would motivate me to, so understand this." He said, taking a step closer to me.

"stop trying to figure out my backstory. unless you want to die. I suggest you leave me the freak alone." he said, a dark aura coating his voice.

"understood?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

I looked down and chuckled.

"you know what Jake, you might not like me, and I most certainly don't like you, but I'm not scared of you. you're just a boy who's too scared to face their past and it shows." I said, coming closer to him.

"so don't mess with me Jake. I might seem weak, but don't make me bring Hana into this. now get away from me." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder and trying to push him away, but he didn't move at all.

"did you forget that vampires have abnormal strength?" he asked, as if it was obvious.

"Jake move" I growled. he came closer to my face. "make me" he said.

when he said those words, something inside me felt different. I looked up into his eyes .

"I said get away !!" I yelled as I tried pushing him away. as I pushed him, his body launched all the way to the end of the hallway.

my eyes widened. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "y/n, what's wrong?!" Hana asked, worriedly.

"I- he got too close so I pushed him but.. how did he end up all the way over there?" I explained.

they all went silent, as if they were thinking on what the answer could be.

"your powers are already being initiated. it seems like when ever you got mad your inhumane strength came." Sunghoon said.

"y/n try pushing him again. I want to see something" Sunghoon said, trying to ensure his hypothesis.

"cmon Jake it couldn't have been that hard of a push now get up." Niki said.

"shut up" Jake scoffed, getting back up and standing infront of me. "so just , push him again?" I asked.

sunghoon nodded and I turned to look back at Jake.

I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him again. This time he flew all the way to the complete opposite side of the hallway.

I looked down at my hands . "Woah" I mumbled to myself. "I knew it. so you have what mostly every vampire has which is inhumane strength. now we just have to wait for more situations that activate more of your powers" sunghoon explained.

I smiled. "this is cool !" I said happily.

"can I leave now?" Jake asked, with an annoyed tone.

"yeah yeah goodnight mr grumpy pants" Niki said. Jake rolled his eyes and walked to his room.

"well I think that's enough for one day. everyone go to their rooms. we all need a proper rest after everything that's happened in the last few days." Jay said.

everyone nodded and bid their goodbyes . I hurriedly walked to my room and closed the door shut once I was inside.

"Well this wasn't what I thought would happen just by going to a freaking party." I said to myself.

'let's just get some rest and hope for a better tommorow..."

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