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Before the war, there had been a beautiful park in the middle of the small ruined city, and after the Shri'Traccal unexpectedly left the battlefield, the women took it upon themselves to slowly transform the park into a lush vegetable garden and farm. .

Here in the transformed lush garden, Ellen's delegation awaited the arrival of the invaders. Prior to the visit, Nora had made sure that snipers were in position at various points in the area to attack at the slightest threat if necessary. She assumed their "old" enemy had done the same, and she was right. Although Taroc Vsar's motives were pure and he sincerely hoped for a collaboration and maybe, in the future, a merging of their two species, he was not naive or blind to what had transpired between the people and Shri'Traccal in the past.

While there hadn't been any attacks from those beasts recently, well... basically in last few years..., if she was truly honest, Nora still didn't trust them, and it had taken her a hell of a lot of persuasion to persuade her mother. placing snipers on strategic sites. Sometimes she thought her mother was very naive, could she really not understand that it could be a trick of those monsters to trap their leader and kill her...?

Just before the appointed time, Ellen saw in the distance a small delegation of Shri'Traccal approaching. Leading the way was the largest monster she'd ever seen and she swallowed. The creature was already intimidating enough from such a distance, and to think that she would soon be in a room with one of them, because she assumed that she would be in a room at the sight of the giant. What if that giant were the leader...?

As if they had a walk in the park, so fearlessly did the Shri'Traccal delegation walk into the ruins of the city, towards the only building that was still somewhat intact, a former police station.
As the delegation crossed the open square, Ellen, Nora, and two female soldiers ran up to them.
Though she was extremely nervous and quickly wiped her sticky hands on her dress, Ellen straightened her back. Intimidating or not, she was the leader of this clan and that's how she would act, not like a submissive female, afraid of a huge monster... That was her intention anyway...

She saw one of the Shri'Traccal soldiers cast a sidelong glance at a spot to her left where one of the snipers had holed up. A grin appeared on his face as he looked at her.

"Yeah, that's right...there's security in the area..." Ellen deliberately focused on the soldier and not one of the four larger creatures, who were too intimidating at the moment.

Though she tried to hide her fear, a shiver ran down her spine as the giant leading the way approached. The creature was tall, nearly nine feet, with rough, green-beige scaly skin. His thick, bulging, muscular shoulders and jagged scars that ran all over his face, along with the fangs poking up from behind his narrow lips and the unmistakable long, slender but razor-sharp ivory horns sprouting from his jaw, gave him a terrifying appearance.

Because of his incredible height, he literally looked down on her, and she expected this to make her feel uncomfortable, maybe even scared, but somehow this wasn't the case.

Although one of his eyes was a chilly, light gray color and the other was milky white, Ellen guessed he probably didn't see anything with that eye, his appearance was different from what he initially rediated.
Ohh, she had no doubt that he was a dangerous adversary to his enemies and she wouldn't like to see him angry, but now, as he stood before her, he radiated tranquility, a calm kind of dominance, of a man who knew what he was worth.

From behind the giant, an older being stepped forward and calmly walked over to Ellen. In almost everything he resembled the giant, he had the same greenish beige scaly skin although the color was a bit faded, most likely due to his age and instead of gray eyes his eyes were a beautiful emerald green color, but the main difference was the cornification of the his face. While the giant had mostly keratinized tips on his forehead and around his eyes, this older one had keratinized tips and plates around his face, making his eyes look even deeper into the eye sockets. Even the thick black hair-like locks emerging from his head seemed to have hardened at the root.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now