Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Just for the side note, Y/M/N stands for 'Your Mom's/Mother's Name.'

The night is deep and the silvery, celestial moon illuminates the house. A voice calls behind you. "Y/N!" You turn to see Randy racing to you, limping. He appears stone cold sober. "Jesus, Y/N! We gotta get out of here!" You throw the gun forward. "Stop right there!"

"Don't shoot. It's me! Randy!"

"Don't come any closer!"

"Listen to me Y/N, I found Tatum. She's dead. She's been killed.. I think Stu did it," he accuses. He steps forward when another voice speaks up.

"Don't believe him, Y/N!" You spin around to see Stu moving up the walk. "He's lying. He killed Tatum and Billy!" You aim the gun in his direction. "Stay away."

"Randy's movie nut mind has snapped, Y/N. He's gone psycho as we always predicted."

"Don't listen to him. It's him. He's the one!" Randy cries. 

You lose it, you don't know who to trust. You desperately wanted to believe Randy. He's your best and closest friend. He knows you better than anyone and if he's the killer, you'll be heartbroken. Your best friend of fourteen years.. a killer. You couldn't believe it. Stu could easily be the killer but he's been best your best friend for two years. You've always known him for being funny, telling sarcastic jokes, goofy. You aim the gun at Stu, then Randy, then Stu again.

"Come on, Y/N. Give me the gun!" Stu demands desperately. 

"No, Y/N! Don't. Don't trust him!" Randy pleads. They both move towards you, desperate. 

"Fuck you both!" you shout and step into the house, slamming the door behind you. You lock and bolt the door. From the other side you can heard Randy screaming and pleading. 


His fists pound against the door. You turn around and slide down the door, the gun in your hand. In the distance at the end of the hallway, you see two bodies. Your eyes widen and you reluctantly stand up. You hesitantly walk over to the first body. You kneel down beside the body and you see Hayden, lying, unbeknownst to you, unconscious. His chest area is covered in blood which soaks through his white T-shirt. It also soaks through the elegant carpet. You let out a sob. "NO! HAYDEN! PLEASE!" 

You put your hand over the two stabs wounds to stop the bleeding. Blood oozes out and it stains your hands. You put your two fingers against his neck and there's a slight pulse. "Please, Hayden... please... stay with me," you cry, your voice raspy. You attempt CPR but he doesn't move a muscle. Your heart shatters at Hayden's limp body. His eyes a slightly open.

"P-please, stay with me, Hayden.... I can't afford to lose you t-too.."  you cry. He doesn't move and isn't breathing. You leap your hands over his body and hug him tightly, bawling your eyes out. You let out a scream and sob until your lungs give out. "Please... please don't leave me. I-I love you.." 

Randy hears your screams and cries because his pounds on the door increase. You start to have second thoughts about Randy.

You stand up and head towards the second body in the kitchen. Sidney. Sidney lays unconscious with blood covering her forehead and her hair is a mess. You don't have the strength to cry anymore. You're weak. Vulnerable You stumble in the darkness and rush to the phone in the living room. Just as you reach for it, it rings. It scares the life out of you. You scream, yanking it off the table. "Please! God! Help me!" you cry loudly. 

"Having fun, Y/N?" 

You fall apart, screaming. "NOO!"

You throw the phone away, disconnecting the call. You move back to the front door. Randy's screams are maddening. Your eyes lock, deliberating. "GO AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE!"

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