Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Gruesome and sad chapter today ;) 

Tatum is alone in the kitchen. She empties popcorn in a bowl, then pulls open the refrigerator, looks quickly and then closes it. She remembers that the beer is in the garage. She moves through the adjoining laundry room to the garage. The kitchen door opens and lights illuminates the darkened and dusty garage. Tatum stands in the doorway, searching for a light switch. She finds a button and clicks it. The electric garage door starts to rise. It's the wrong switch so she flicks it again and it closes. 

She finds another switch and turns it on. A small lightbulb overhead comes on, barely lighting the large two car garage, leaving pockets of shadows along the wall, which has wallpaper peeling off of it. Tatum spots the refrigerator against a far wall and heads for it, not seeing the kitchen door, quietly and slowly, closing behind her, sealing her off from the rest of the house. Tatum stumbles towards the refrigerator and throws it open. Its light casts a glow over her face. Suddenly, a crash and a bang comes from next to her. Tatum jumps, spinning around just in time to see a Stu's cat escape through a large pet door that's built into the garage door. She smiles at her jumpiness.

Tatum loads up with as many beer as her hands will carry and heads back to the kitchen. She juggles the beer and turns the door knob. It's locked.


She kicks it in frustration with her foot several times. "Hey, Shitheads!" she calls out. There's no answer. 

"Oh, shit piss!" Tatum leans over and, with her elbow, hits the garage door button. It begins to rise. She moves towards the raising door, beer in hand. Suddenly, the garage door resets, reversing direction, moving down and closing with a thud. 

"What the..." Tatum spins around to see Ghostface silhouetted in the dark next to the kitchen door, his hand on the switch. Tatum gasps, taken aback but she then relaxes. "Is that you Randy? Cute." Ghostface stares at her, blankly.

"And movie is this from? I Spit On Your Garage?" Tatum takes a step forwards to Ghostface. 

"I love the mask. If Y/N sees it, she'll flip." Ghostface shakes his head slowly from side to side. 

"Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" Tatum asks and Ghostface nods. "Can I be the helpless victim?" Ghostface slowly nods again.

"Okay, let's see.. "No, please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel!" Tatum takes a step to move around Ghostface, but he steps too, blocking her. 

"Cut, Casper. That's a wrap," Tatum said. She moves again, sidestepping Ghostface, but he's faster and cuts her off. Tatum juggles the beer across her chest with her one hand and the other she pushes Ghostface hard, knocking him aside.

"Randy, will you stop?" Unbeknownst to Tatum, this wasn't Randy. But as Ghostface intercepts, lunging forward, grabbing her wrist hard, Tatum stumbles. Beer cans hit the floor, spewing everywhere. 

"You little shit." Tatum yanks hard, releasing his hold when a flash of silver catches her eye. She looks down, glimpsing at a long, sharp blade as it darts forward, cutting into her forearm. Tatum pulls back, horrified, as the moment turns deadly serious. Ghostface advances on her, knife out, ready. She staggers backwards, holding her bloody arm, backing into refrigerator. She screams. "Who are you?!"

Ghostface lashes out with a knife. Tatum dodges it, leaping back against the fridge. Ghostface advances. Instinctively, she rips the top freezer door open, bashing Ghostface in the face, sending him backwards, reeling. Tatum bolts to the closed garage door. In a panic, she beats it and pulls on it, trying to make it lift. She eyes Ghostface, he's slowly recovering. She goes for the cat flap, dropping to the floor, diving for it. She wedges her upper body through, her head, shoulders, torso just as Ghostface pounces, grabbing hold of her feet. Tatum goes crazy, screaming and kicking trying to get through. 

Tatum is half in, half out of the pet door. She beats and jerks wildly, unable to see Ghostface on the other side. A true fighter, Tatum kicks hard, making direct contact with Ghostface, knocking him away. She takes the moment to pull herself through further, but she stops, stuck. She pulls and tugs but can't move. She listens but doesn't hear anything. There's an agonising silence until a whirring sound is heard. The garage door is activated. It begins to rise upward, taking Tatum with it. She screams madly and calls out desperately for help. "NOOOO!"

Tatum's arms and leg fly about violently as she tries to free herself from the door, but it moves too fast, carrying her up. She looks above to see where the door rolls back into garage rafters just as her neck hits the first beam, snapping instantly. 


It's getting late and some kids leave through the front door, muttering "parents and curfew," etc. The door hangs open wide. You move close to it when Billy appears in a classic fake scare. "Billy? Jesus, you scared me!" you exclaim. Sidney looks at Billy and she gives you a small wave before disappearing into the living room. She was still upset. Suddenly, Stu appears. You notice he gives Billy a small wink. "Dude. What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping Y/N and I could talk," Billy said, his eyes glistening in the moonlight. 

"If Tatum sees you, she'll draw blood," you reply cautiously.

"You guys can go up to my parents room? To talk and... whatever," Stu smirks, clapping his hands together.

"Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up in a dictionary. Ever heard of that before?" Billy said, rolling his eyes.

"It's okay. We actually do need to talk," you say, smiling slightly. You grab his hand and lead him up the grand staircase. Randy appears from the kitchen just in time to see you and Billy disappear upstairs. 

"What's Leatherface doing here?" he asks

"He came to make up with Y/N," Stu said.

"Dang it. There goes my chance to talk to her.."

"Pftt, like you had one," Stu laughs. 


Kenny fidgets at the control board. He hits a couple of buttons, bangs the side of the monitor and a picture emerges: the living room. The camera is positioned just above the television. On the camera, the party is in full swing. Several teens sit right in front of the television. Because of the camera position, they appear to be staring right into the lens. Suddenly, the van's side door slides open and Gale pops in.

"Got a picture. Perfect placement. We can see everything," Kenny said. Gale is ecstatic. 

"Tell me, Kenny, has a cheeky tabloid journalist ever won the Pulitzer?"

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