Chapter 36

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Closely I watch Eden walk over to Spencer, who is sitting on the ground watching everyone train.
He seems lost in thought and it doesn't even look as though he sees Eden approaching him.
His head lifts up at the last minute as he watches her heading his way, a forced smile in place of a genuine one.
I can't take my gaze from them as she sits down next to him on the ground bumping his shoulder.
It only takes a matter of seconds before they seem to be in deep discussion about something but I'm to far away and the commotion of everyone training hitting my ears is making to much noise to even try and hear what they're saying to each other.
Suddenly Eden as in slow motion, reaches over with her delicate hand and covers Spencer's that has not moved from his knee.
The green eyed monster in me, as well as my wolf are pushing forward to go over and seperate their joined hands but I know Eden is just doing what any other Luna would be doing right now.

Not just as Luna, I know, but because she knows as much as me that for some reason or another our friend seems to be suffering.

Spencer hasn't been the same for a little while and yet not once has he confided in any of us, and knowing that determined look on Eden's face, time has run out for him to keep us in the dark any longer.
I smile to myself knowing that any minute now she's going to get every last detail out of him and then I can finally kick his ass for touching my mate.

I decide to walk over to training group four hoping to see how Ethan is doing. I'm not going to lie, I did feel bad assigning him the worst group but as I explained after, Spencer was on hand to help him if he needed it.

"Hey Ethan, how are they doing?" I ask him as I stand next to him watching what is mainly she wolves doing goddess knows what.

Ethan bows his head in respect as I watch them all closely. I'm seriously wondering if I need to send over another couple of warriors to help him out as well as Spencer. They are that bad.

"Alpha Dominic." Ethan says respectfully. "Honestly they are worse than I anticipated. I thought they would have maybe a slight clue on how to protect themselves but I was wrong. It will take a while to get them to understand even the basics."

Yeah well I can see that for myself.

"Just carry on and do the best you can. I will send over three more warriors to help you with them as well as Spencer. Hopefully having the extra man power will help train them quicker. We need every able bodied wolf to fight when the time comes."

"Thank you Alpha."

Ethan's relief is palpable.

As I moved on to the next group I glanced over to Eden and Spencer to see they are still talking but he is now looking less tense.
But I couldn't miss the fact that their hands were still together. Taking some much needed deep breaths I carry on over to see how group two are doing.

This is Cole's group and I know Cole is a formidable warrior, and watching him fight with a volunteer just proves that to me.
As soon as I approach them they stop fighting, bowing their heads too just like Ethan had only a moment ago. 

I hear a chorus of "Alpha," from everyone in the group, to which I reply with a nod. I'm here to observe for now, well that is until Eden has finished talking to Spencer. After that I'm kicking his ass.

Cole goes back instantly sparring with the volunteer, and even though the volunteer is a decent fighter as he has already made the cut into group two, he was totally unprepared for Cole's attack.

I can hear Cole shouting at him as I move on to the next group.

"Focus, not all enemies give you time to adjust. They will be sudden. You need to be prepared to fight someone in front of you whilst keeping your eye on someone that's coming up behind you. Never just keep your eyes on one target because in a real fight there will probably be more than the one you can see."

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