Chapter 6

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I was so happy when our training was finally finished. My muscles have never hurt so much in my life. But weirdly I felt a renewed energy running through me now.
I can honestly say that fighting against an Alpha is hard work but an angry Alpha is something else.

We had done 30 minutes where I was defending against his attacks, then another 30 minutes attacking while he defended against mine.

It was seriously intense.

We are now walking back towards the packhouse when Nic stops abruptly in front of the steps leading to the front door grabbing my arm.
Frowning I turn around to look at him, not understanding what is going on with him.

"Nic, everything okay?"

He is just stood there watching me but not saying a word. His firm hand still gripping my arm like if he let's go I will disappear forever. He was making me nervous.


As I look up into his forest green eyes there is no green to see. His eyes are completely golden and I have no idea on when his wolf came to the surface. I flinch in worry. But there is some other emotion in his eyes that gets me on edge. It looks like, love maybe?

For the second time today the look he gives me gives me chills.
I am still looking at him when his eyes glaze over.
I know this look. Nic is being mindlinked.

I stand patiently waiting but as soon as his eyes go back to the beautiful forest green colour that I have become to like so much, he shakes his head vigorously, drops his hand from my arm, mumbles something under his breath and without another glance in my direction takes off into the woods.

What the hell just happened?

I want to run after him. Ask him what the hell all that was about. Why the sudden coldness to me, but fatigue has started to settle into my body so instead I drag myself up the stairs to my bedroom, take a shower and settle on my bed to finish some homework.

After a while with my homework all done and the fact that my mind won't settle about how Nic ran away from me earlier without a word is playing on my mind more than it actually should.

I decide to read my favourite book.

The Legendary Twins.

'Legend says that thousands of years ago a young human woman had been kidnapped by her controlling and jealous husband.
She had tried to leave him many times but all attempts failed.
She finally got the courage to leave but unfortunately she had just found out she was pregnant.
Deciding to stay with him in the hope that her child at least would be safe.
But little did the husband know, was that the unborn baby was not his but his wife's secret lovers.
Not only was he her lover but he was also a werewolf.
As time went by the husband's behaviour got worse to the point that he was becoming violent towards her. Her lover had promised he would stay close for when she changed her mind, and it was a promise he kept for 8 months until she could bear it no more and they planned to leave for a new life together.
Unfortunately for the woman it wasn't going to be so simple. When the time came to escape her husband realised what she was planning and erupted into a deadly rage and knocked her unconscious.
A while had passed when she awoke to a place she didn't recognise and with no way of contacting her lover all she could do was wait. He also waited for her to turn up to the place they had agreed to meet. He waited, almost dreaming of the happy life they could now share as a family but she never showed, he knew something must have happened because there was no way she would give up on their life together.
He waited at the same place at the same time everyday but as the days passed and his search for her failed, he made a promise that he would forever wait for her.
She had awoken a few hours after being knocked unconscious and had vowed to keep to the plan of escaping, and for the sake of her child this time she wouldn't fail.
After some time she managed to prize open a window quietly and started running the best she could into the woods. With no idea which way to go she let herself be lead by her own instincts. Hours passed and when she was about to give up she saw a little cottage. It was almost like magic and she couldn't believe her luck.
She knocked on the small wooden door which opened revealing a beautiful woman with long black hair and piercing blue eyes.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her stomach....she was going into labour.
Trusting the beautiful woman she told her about her situation and begged for her help to protect her baby against her abusive husband.
Agreeing to help her the beautiful woman admitted she was a witch and would cast a spell that would protect the infant.
But for a price.
A mother's life for her child's life.
The mother to be knew without a doubt in her mind that she would be willing to give her life to protect her child's. She agreed and the spell was cast.
A healthy baby boy was delivered shortly after but to the amazement of the witch the mother was still alive. This confused the witch greatly as none of her previous spells had failed.
After another minute or so the witch realised why. The woman was still in labour.
A second baby was born, a healthy baby girl this time.
And true to the witches word, the mother passed away not long after.
The witch stood looking at the babies in awe....finally the first set of legendary twins were created.
The witch then put another powerful spell in motion for every one thousand years a special set of twins...1 boy and 1 girl would be born!'

After finishing my book I drifted off to sleep with witches, magic and Nic playing on my mind.

Morning came around quickly but before I could fully wake up my door flew open revealing my brother. I opened my eyes long enough to see him taking a flying leap at my bed, I tried to brace myself for the impact but failed miserably as he jumped on me singing Happy Birthday in my ear.

After the horrendous experience of listening to Jake singing I hear him say,
"Happy Birthday Eden."

"Happy Birthday Jake." I replied.

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