Party in your head

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UA staff group chat:

COCKatoo: Oh I know someone like this! Right, Nem!

SexyAndIKnowIt: That bad?

COCKatoo: Wait... you don't even know?

SexyAndIKnowIt: Can't remember what I am doing while being drunk.

Demon: Some very weird things Ma'am.

SexyAndIKnowIt: That bad?

Demon: See for yourself.

Demon added a picture

Demon: So you really don't remember climbing up a tree and saying you were sandman just to get on top of a building and then use your quirk? I mean it was cool but still....

COCKatoo: That was really funny to watch xD

Demon: Right! I really loved it even if it knocked me out too. Anyways how did this even go this far? I saw you down there on the ground too Caterpillar and you Cockatoo!


Demon: WAIT! You didn't know?! HOW?! It went viral too!!!!

UndevelopedButterfly: well.. two shots of vodka was enough.

COCKatoo:..we took two..?

Demon: What have you two been up too? This was one of the less crazy ones too!!!

SexyAndIKnowIt: Ohh no...

Demon added another picture

Demon: I mean?! What did you smoke?! You just climbed into a fountain and started acting like a fish?! It was hard to get you out on the police side! Come on please tell me she had more than 2 shots!

SexyAndIKnowIt: wait- did any of us know about drinking?

COCKatoo: I remember making parties- but drinking? Nah.

Demon: And smoking?

UndevelopedButterfly: no problem child.

Demon: What about drugs?!


Demon: What else? Can you put this on low alcohol tolerance? I don't think so! They needed to be high for this!

PewPew: where did they even get drugs..

Demon: Don't ask me that! I am not Sherlock! I just love blackmailing material!

SexyAndIKnowIt: no shit SHERLOCK!!

Demon: Ahh this is literally asking for more so here we go!

Demon added another picture

Demon: Tell me this is normal please! This was hilarious! She really started pole dancing in a metro! XD

Demon: Honestly this was one of my favorites but there are soo many more too!

SexyAndIKnowIt: Next time I do this please shoot me!

Demon: Nope! Here look at this! XD

Demon added another picture

Demon: If you thought it couldn't get worse then tell me what's that?! Who even dressed you up in an onese? You had literally everything a baby needed and was on the ground acting like one! Hahah all the people around you look at their faces!

SexyAndIKnowIt: I want to disappear right now... please tell me you don't have more.

Demon: Of course I do!

Demon added another picture

Demon: Sooo let's talk about this for a moment. How in the freaking world did you get stuck with your head in a fence?

NotTheKing: I honestly expected more from the UA staff chat..

Demon: Really? After what?! 41 failed ones? You serious?


UndevelopedButterfly: just admit it, you yourself is a failure.

Demon: How delusional can the guy be?! Where did you put your head in?

COCKatoo: are we just gonna totally ignore about midnight?!

Demon: Or how she needed to be saved by the fire department that day?

ToyGoneWrong: Midnight, you are not allowed to leave the school grounds without my permission.

Demon: Buddy, you might want to check the CCTV's! She's drinking a whole bottle of wine right now.

PewPew: is that why the whole news channel has been flooded with 'oh midnight' or 'oh midnight that'?

Demon: You had no idea?! WHAT?! LOL- You guys should get out from under the heavy rock! We are not in the stone age anymore!

NoWorldHunger: of course I knew, the whole channels was filled with midnight and not a single cooking channel. It was a sad time :(

Demon: Anyways.... You might really want to get her out of the room she is in... She's about to blow the support course classroom up.... Just saying!

bobTheBuilder: she's about to what?! Midnight! Where did you get permission to go there?!

Demon: Well she had a new bottle in her hand and once of your students invention in the hand... It's Mei's baby by the way.

(A/N: He had eyes and ears everywhere lol XD-chimera)


Demon: Ooppp and there goes the outer wall! No one got hurt tho!

ToyGoneWrong: I assume, you have hacked into our cameras?

Demon: Yes and not only that! I have full access to everything! I can lock you guys out if I want too! Good luck escaping the security protocols and the titanium doors XD

HeartOfStone: fuck he wan't kidding..

Demon: How dare you just go ahead and assume my gender! I could be Female or Non-binary as well!

COCKatoo: Are you?

Demon: Nope but that's not the point here. Oh and quick update she is currently in class 1B's room vandalising it.

UndevelopedButterfly: you know what? I'm just going to go to sleep.

Demon: Why not get some coffee first and the best and quietest place for sleeping would be ground beta. So you might want to head there.

UndevelopedButterfly: class 1B is training with Vlad there, they are annoying as hell

Demon: Nope. They went outside for some reason.

UndevelopedButterfly went offline

COCKatoo: typical sho

Demon: Well have fun dealing with her... she's decorating the outside wall of UA.... XD this looks like fun. I would have loved to join her.

ToyGoneWrong: I'm sending someone to go get her.

Demon: It was my pleasure seeing this chaos but I have to go now. Soo till next time UA..

Demon went offline

A/N: I made a mistake and updated this a day earlier... oh well what's done is done. Tho no update tomorrow

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