A class.... UUUUHHH Let's GOOO!!!

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Class 1A Chat:

FAKEs0nic: Don't panic! This might not be a villain attack! You heard Aizawa-seinsei! He told us they had some kind of meeting and the explosion came from the support course direction.

froggoGæ: Shouldn't we have a look around, just in case? *Ribbit*

FAKEs0nic: no, he told us to stay in out dorms and we be safe.

tailman: but we are under attack! What if the teachers get hurt??

dancetillDeath: that caterpillar can handle a fight.

Unknown Number joined the group chat


Unkown Number: Yeah true... he is just sleeping the chaos off.

Unknown Number: Ohh you're nightmare Dandelion.

froggoGæ: Dandelion *ribbit*

FAKEs0nic: I must ask you to leave this private group chat.

Unknown Number: Don't be like that! Iida!

 FAKEs0nic: How do you know my name?

Unknown Number: Ohh I know a lot more and you will soon find out too!

uhm-hard: Bro, how did you come in here?

forthWallRebuilder: Please don't tell me Denki or Mina invited you over.

Unknown Number: That certainly was not the case. I invited myself via my power of ✨HACKING✨

DanceTillDeath changed BAKUhoe's name to Dandelion

Unknown Number: Uhh I like that. He's a spicy one tho. Also you might want to try calling him a Pomeranian with temper.

forthWallRebuilder: not Mina taking notes right now 👀

Dandelion: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?

uhm-hard: Mina- you better run bakubro is coming for you-

Unknown Number: How about you give me a name Mina? Also remember if I don't like it, I'll expose your deepest and darkest secret!

DanceTillDeath changed Unknows Number's name to TheFuckIsYou?

TheFuckIsYou?: ...You got do be kidding me! I even warned you about it!

TheFuckIsYou? Changed their name to IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark

IKnowWhatYouDidInTheDark: y'all better prepare yourselves.

tailman: I somehow feel like we made a huge mistake..

froggoGæ: so I'm not the only one-

IKnowWhatYouDidInTheDark: HAHAHAHAHA

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark added a picture

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: Oh my little Dandelion look at how you were held hostage here and then sent to prison for a day only because you exploded on a KAREN!

WattpadLastBraincell: Woah woah there- bakubro attacking a citizen?

uhm-hard: not manly at all bro.

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: Yes she was trying to debate with him and call the manager on him too XD They wanted to throw him out. But oh well he exploded!

BishGone: how do you know her prounouns is she/her-?

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: It's a karen! So it's a she! XD Besides, her son was also trying to get Bakugo to calm down. He seemed quite embarrassed. He punched him and broke his nose before using his quirk on her.... Long story short: He was escorted outside with quirksupression cuffs and thrown into prison for a day... Ah what a story!

WattpadLastBraincell: that is a really long story.. my brain cells can't handle that..

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: You know what can else?

IKnowWhatYouDidInTheDark sent another picture

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: What happened to you buddie on that one day? I mean you literally decided to be the shining star on a christmas tree. It literally took the fire department 3 hours to get you down.

ForthWallRebuilder: I would die to see that!! Really dude? xD

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: Just look at the attachment!

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: And you also just signed up to be the next one.

ForthWallRebuilder: Oh no!

dancetillDeath: do I smell some.. Tea..?

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark sent another picture

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: So your name is quite literally I see. I mean you like breaking walls like in this picture... I mean sticking would be the better term. Tell me, do you like feelin like spider-man sticking to a wall or in this case swinging around and crashing into one getting stuck there?

ForthWallRebuilder:... I got no regrets.

FAKEsonic: Sero! We are not allowed to use our quirk outside campus! I must report this to Mr.Aizawa.

froggoGæ: I'm sure Aizawa sensei won't even care Iida, it seems to be fun tho..

ForthWallRebuilder: it really is-

DanceTillDeath: ayo sero invite me next time!!

FAKEsonic: why do I even try anymore..

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: I'll just continue this! Have fun with your all depested secrets! Also no need to inform Nezu or Aizawa about me, they already know me as Demon.

IKnowWhatYouDidInTheDark sent another picture

IknowWhatYouDidInTheDark: Ohh my dear frog! How can you chase after flies and then eat that? More concerningly, the file is already stuck in ice! Why would you try to catch it? Also this must have hurt! Look at how frozen your tongue is! Besides that Endeavor really needed to save you that time. Guess the hero is still good for something.

uhm-hard: uhh.. Tsu are u okay bro?

fuck u: EWW!! So disgusting!! 🤢🤢

youFloatToo: Someone needs to tell this dude that he is the only one that is disgusting-

froggoGæ: no I'm not fine.

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