Challanging a certain Chimera!

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A/N: There might be some notes from me and my fellow co-author which are in italic

UA staff group chat:

Snipe: And that was the way I-

Thirteen: You what?! Why can't you finish your sentence?! YoU aRe oN tHe PhOnE!

Snipe: Why can't you write correctly without caps lock, huh?

Thirteen: Cause you are a drama queen and I am one too!

RG: Oh common guys stop fighting and get over it.

Unknown number: Hello?

COCKatoo: wHO tHe FUck ARE U?!?!

Unknown number: Oh just another chimera! ∩^ω^∩

SexyAndIKnowIt: Zashi, WHO

SexyAndIKnowIt: DID

SexyAndIKnowIt: YOU

SexyAndIKnowIt: PUT

SexyAndIKnowIt: IN

SexyAndIKnowIt: HERE!!!!!

Unknown number: Another Demon and I was summoned here!!!

Thirteen: That's sus!

Snipe: You damn cockatoo what have you done! Is one not enough already?!

UndevelopedButterfly went online

UndevelopedButterfly: Zashi, you are stupid.

UndevelopedButterfly went offline

Unknown Number: Maybe he is but stupidity is also a ✨blessing✨!

Nezu: Oh this got a lot more entertaining.

Unknown Number: Should I make it a lot more Nezu? I found some good dirty stuff about you!

Nezu: You are welcome to share. Though I highly doubt you found anything about me.

Unknown Number: OhO!!! You shall bow before the one and only DEMON KING!!!! Now here is what I found!

Unknown Number added a picture.

Unknown Number: You look cute how you lick your own fur to groam yourself. Oh and here is another thing.

Thirteen: Aww this is soo cute!

Vlad: I agree!

Snipe: Who would have thought he would do that.

RG: Now I have something to blackmale him!

Unknown Number: Ohh I have more!

SexyAndIKnowIt: YES PLEASE! 

Unknown Number added another picture.

Unknown Number: I am pretty sure you are not supposed to sniff on someone else's but like a dog. I know you are a chimera and part dog but this is even low for you.

Nezu: ...

Unknown Number: You want more! Be my guest! I take the silence as a yes.

SexyAndIKnowIt: Oh wow Nezu! This is low even for you!

RG: Still funny! I will definitely have this as a reminder for him!

Unknown Number: It won't get better but here something dirty about him which you all can use as blacmailing. Plus whoever tells the detective this will have his favor~

Snipe: What detective?

SexyAndIKnowIt: Wait! Could it be?

Unknown Number: Yup!

Unknown Number added another picture.

Unknown Number: By the way, stealing some documents or hacking and then manipulating police documents is highly illegal. Though I am pretty sure you made this to make Detective Tsukauchi go crazy!

Unknown Number: Do you want more? I still have a lot I can give you. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Nezu: ..impressive

(acid: bruh I'm not a rat u are okay? Play nezus role)

(chimera: Gatcha! :) I am one after all)

Unknown Number: That's all you gota say? Impressive...

Nezu: May I inquire how you got these?

Unknown Number: Oh please! I already said I am a chimera. What more do you need.

Nezu: I see. Still very impressive work. Though I should inform you that I am on you.

Unknown Number: Go ahead and give it a try. I DARE YOU!

Nezu: You will regret challenging me, chimera.

Unknown Number: You sure?!

Nezu: I will find you!

Nezu went offline

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