Lending a Hand

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-Emergency Contact-
You're being followed. Watch your back. I'll find intel.

Just have the funds with it.

-Emergency Contact-
I wouldn't dream of disappointing you. I just have to stay under radar.


Ghost smirked a bit. Even if she couldn't help the team she could at least find the poor boy that was taken so long ago.

Now all she had to do was stay out of the lights radar while searching deeper into their files. She now had much better access to their intel than she did with Joker.

Didn't realize I'd get a house call from the team trying to get me to go back. I still need to find Speedy, even if they say I'm the only one they knew.

-Emergency Contact-
I do apologize. I didn't realize it'd be a social call. I only tagged one of your followers.

You're sure speedy is still alive?

-Emergency Contact-
It was confirmed a couple years ago when they moved the original super clone off Cadmus property. I just need to dig up the file.

See that you do. I'm getting desperate.

-Emergency Contact-
Most are when I'm in contact with them.

She did some digging and noticed that the files were recently opened.

-Emergency Contact-
Found something of interest. Someone else is looking for Speedy.

Yeah, Cheshire is. And she says she has a lead.

-Emergency Contact-
That's not surprising in the least. Cheshire always looks for clues like I do. Tibet is where you're headed.

Also I should tell you. Cheshire is my wife, and I have a daughter.

-Emergency Contact-
Congratulations. Did you ever think on my offer to completely change your identity? You'll have the same dna markers and fingerprints, but I can make you someone other than Roy Harper.

I'm still contemplating the offer. Once I find the real Speedy I'll see how he wants to handle things.

-Emergency Contact-
I'll keep that in mind. Be careful though. Should anything happen to you, I don't think I could get Speedy out. Play it smart, don't drink.

Fine. But if this info is wrong I'll come after you myself.

-Emergency Contact-
Wouldn't expect anything less.

A few weeks later and Ghost had a relieved smile on her face.

Found him.

-Emergency Contact-
Good. I'll get your funds in order and help with the medical costs. Let me know of your decision when he wakes. If there is anything else I can assist with let me know. I'll be an emergency contact should the need arise.

There was a long space of time between the last message and the next.

I think I'll take you up on that offer.

-Emergency Contact-
Of course. I'll have the paperwork and files ready for you shortly. Hope you're okay with the name William.
Papers are set and ready to go.
I'll leave them on your coffee table under your laptop.

Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you.

-Emergency Contact-
You would have managed. I'm sure your wife has ways of getting your name changed.
How's your daughter doing?

She's alright. I haven't brought her to any other family yet.

-Emergency Contact-
Baby steps are okay to take. You'll figure out what to do.

Her mood dropped slightly. If she hadn't gone with Joker all those years ago would she have found someone? Would she have a kid yet? Might be a little early for a kid but not impossible. Would she be happy in this other life?

She thought back over the time spent with Joker and Harley and how different it was from Jack. Did anyone let him know that she's 'dead'?

Joker probably told Harley he killed her. Her mood soured. She hasn't seen the surface in so long and that small little taste of air had her senses begging to go back topside.

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