Of Texting and Moles

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This might be completely random, but I wanted to tell you since you are an outside source. And as someone I know wellish.

-Emergency Contact-
Your point being?

Right. I am dating Ms Martian.

-Emergency Contact-
Congratulations. Why tell me though and not your team.

I don't want anyone to think of us differently, and I'm worried they'll try and convince me not to since I'm not exactly normal by human standards.

-Emergency Contact-
If any of them give you lip about you dating then they are the ones with a problem. Clone or Martian or even human, the choice is between you and your partner. They might have a slight problem with age though, but if they take into account they're letting you out on the field and treat you like a teen they can't bring up the fact that you're an infant by age standards. Because, no offense, children shouldn't be fighting.

You aren't upset?

-Emergency Contact-
By what?

I don't fully understand how feelings work, romantic or otherwise. I didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

-Emergency Contact-
I'm happy for you. Truly I am. I am what you could call emotionally stunted. I haven't exactly gotten over my first crush and I don't think I ever will.

So the thing with Icicle jr was what?

-Emergency Contact-
Tactical. Most boys are stunned by a kiss if it takes up their attention. I'm sure you understand. ;P

Makes sense.
Do you know anything about a Red Inferno or a Red Torpedo?

-Emergency Contact-
Yeah. Why?

We had an incident at the base that we could use some insight on.

-Emergency Contact-
Is everyone okay?

For the most part. KF and I were restrained and almost drowned. Aqualad and Ms M were nearly burned alive. Robin was captured later and Artemis saved us.

-Emergency Contact-
That's a lot to take in.
Where was your guardian during this? Isn't there a league member there at all times?

That's part of the issue. He left. You still haven't given me info.

-Emergency Contact-
Right. Give me a moment to find the files I have. I'll get back to you.

Superboy had waited over an hour and was starting to get frustrated.

You good? It's been a while.

He waited another twenty minutes before getting a response.

-Emergency Contact-
Sorry, bad timing.
I'll go get the files and see what helpful information I can get for you.

What could possibly be taking so long?

-Emergency Contact-
I got stabbed and needed to bandage it before bleeding out. Do forgive me if my health takes priority over your lack of knowledge.

He stared at the message for a full minute before fully registering the information past the aggression it was sent with.

Are you okay?

-Emergency Contact-
I got stabbed. What do you think? I don't exactly have any pain meds so I stitched it up without and it's slowly driving me insane.

I might be able to get you some. We should have in the med room. Let me know when you find your file and meet me in happy harbor again.

-Emergency Contact-
You won't get in trouble?

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