Five years?

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"I'm not sending you out by yourself." Black Manta said as he led Kaldur through one of the various halls of the submarine base.

"I am more than capable of handling a mission on my own father." Kaldur wasn't interested in having a bodyguard, given his newly villainous status though, it wasn't surprising.

"I know, but having a partner to watch your back is always beneficial, and I don't plan on losing you my son." Black Manta stopped in front of one of the crew quarters before knocking on the door. He waited a moment before opening it. "Ghost? I have your new assignment."

"Yes sir." The voice sounded tired but almost familiar, and the room was dark so Kaldur couldn't accurately tell who he was to be partnered with. Whoever it was walked closer to the door, a metallic foot fall every other step. He tried to think of who could possibly have a bionic foot but no one came to mind. "Where to?"

Kaldur has to control his reaction. In front of him was Jester. The same Jester that Joker had told the team that he killed when he killed Robin.

"Your first assignment is to meet up with one of our contacts." She nodded and headed off to where the Manta flier was docked. "Better keep up with her. She's not the same person she was with Joker." Kaldur nodded and headed off to follow her.

The two found the vessel and head out to the meeting point. Kaldur took the time to observe Jester and noticed how different she was. In addition to her foot being mechanical now, her arm is as well. At least just past her elbow. He couldn't see any further since shes wearing sleeves. Her uniform isn't the same either. It was mostly black like Manta's own troops. Her face was also burned rather badly. And her hair was cut super short, so the curls she once sported weren't there anymore.


"How are you still alive, Jester?"

"Didn't die in the warehouse."

"How did you manage to end up with my father?" Jester shrugged.

"Mercy found me. Lex fixed me. Can't go topside without Joker finding me so I'm stuck under water."

"You have been alive this whole time? Joker had told us that you were killed in the warehouse. How long have you been with Manta?"

"Couple years, rehabilitating." She glanced at Kaldur. "I go by Ghost now. Not Jester, but how did you manage to end up with Manta? I know he's your father, but you're the golden child."

"I was left with no choice in the matter."

"There's always a choice." She stared at him for a long moment before huffing and turning away. "Being a double agent isn't always easy. Don't let them know about me."

"But they are your friends." She turned quickly with a glare.

"I'm don't have friends, they're a liability in the long run." A small slightly broken pocket opened and she pulled out a phone. "You can read why I don't want them to know." Kaldur glanced at the phone and opened the messages. They were all angry and from Conner of all people. He seems to blame her for the death of Robin and the fact that Kaldur left the team.

"You are not responsible for any of this though. You could not have done anything."

"I should have tried harder." It got quiet for a bit since Kaldur didn't know what to say. It was a lot to process at the moment. What all had she gone through? "We're almost there." Kaldur nodded thinking over what he learned in the short time. "Your father will want me to keep a close eye on you, so wether you like it or not we're partners. I'll take the heat for any of your heroics so don't push okay?"

Kaldur remained quiet as they picked up their charges and brought them to a remote island so they could do their work. Kaldur watched as Ghost pulled on a helmet with a one way face shield. Almost motorcycle like in design.

"It is tactical, sir. A helmet that conceals my identity." Ghost stated. The helmet changing the way her voice sounded. "It also translates their language." She gestured to the aliens they helped escape. "Contact your father with an update. I'll patrol." With that she sunk into the shadows and walked away.

It wasn't long before trouble came. Kaldur checked in with the security. One group didn't check in.

"On it." Ghost replied over the comms.

"Be weary. It might be a bit more than we would bargain for." There wasn't a response, but Kaulder could only assume that she understood. He pulled on his helmet and did a sweep of the area. Up on the elevated walkways was some of the bat family. He went to shoot but then got a reading of intruders underwater. He shot at them to draw them out while his men handled the bat family... or at least attempted to handle.

Ghost showed up and attacked two Krolotains that were at a computer. "Seems we have a few more friends than I'd prefer sir." The two aliens looked shocked but neither villain backed down from their fight. That is until a batarang flew straight at Ghost. She jumped, flipping in the air, catching and returning the batarang as she did. Her attention now solely on Batman and not the wayward Krolotaians. She threw a knife his way and followed after him as he dodged.

The two danced around each other hit for hit. It was surprising since it was the Batman she was fighting.

"Ghost, strategic retreat to the manta flyer. Can you get our men out of here?" It was Kaldur over the private comm and not the mic.

"Yes sir." She pulled back from her fight with Batman, throwing a smoke pellet down to blind him before she vanished. The fighting continues and more leaguers show up with their protégés. Ghost was able to get the unconscious troops to the Flyer as the others were making their retreat.

"Three minutes to departure." Kaldur said as Ghost showed up next to him.

"Get going." Ghost said as she corralled Kaldur back to the Flyer. They were ambushed by Lagoon boy. "Go!" She called as she charged towards the empowered teen. She jumped up over the teen as Aquaman hit Kaldur. "Manta." Ghost called as she used her broken pocket to appear in front of him again. Lagoon boy powered down as Kaldur stood up.

"I had not believed Nightwing until this moment." Aquaman said as they finally saw Kaldur.

"You did not want to believe." Kaldur shouted back with a scowl on his face.

"None of us wanted to believe this. How could you betray us?" Superboy shouted walking up next to Lagoon boy.

"You dare question me after all of you let Tula die." He pulled out his swords. Ghost flicked her wrists to get throwing knives between her fingers.

"Kaldur that was a mission. Aquagirl knew the risks no one wanted her-" Lagoon boy interrupted Nightwing.

The banter continued and Ghost was getting impatient. Kaldur launched a missile that Superman flew in front of. With the smoke providing a perfect screen Ghost tackled Kaldur down a side passage to get them further away from the leaguers.

"Kaldur." Nightwing stated as he walked out of the shadows.

"Just you and me, old friend."

"No! It's a regular reunion special." Superboy said as he also slid down the path Ghost took Kaldur. Ghost turned her attention to Superboy while Kaldur dropped his guard.

"Fine you can take us down. Or you can save everyone from this bomb. I am told the yeild is quite impressive." Superboy charged at Kaldur and was swiftly taken down. "You have two minutes." Kaldur looked to Ghost.

"Go." Ghost said watching Kaldur jump into the water with a slight sense of fear. "I have a question for you Nightwing." Ghost said in her modulated voice. This got his attention though. Superboy was getting up too. "Do you replace all your friends, or just the heroes?" She made a glance up to where the others were. His eyes widened a fraction but she didn't miss it.

"We don't replace anyone." Nightwing responded as he got in a fighting stance. She shook her head and put her knives away in favor of grabbing some smoke pellets.

"Robin was replaced. Aqualad with Lagoon Boy. Blue Beetle. How many more will you replace?" She asked. Superboy was irritated and went to charge when she broke the smoke pellets. She vanished in the smoke, appearing on the Flyer and piloting it out from under the island.

They piloted the Flyer back to base and Kaldur went to make the report.

"Back underwater. It was nice to get a bit of fresh air." Ghost lamented in a monotone.

Jesterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें