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"We're going back in. I'm not leaving without her Ted" Alex said, practically begging. "It just won't work Alex" he replied. "No, no that's bullshit. I know how we can do it" Alex continued with a hint of aggression. "We can go back in and sneak through, and we'll find her and sneak back out. They're not going to be expecting us to go back in straight away. No one's going to be guarding the door. They'll still be figuring out what to do next" he finished. "It's not the stupidest idea" Abel agreed, "What have we got to lose?". Ted let out a sigh. He looked at the door and then back to Alex. Alex's eyes did all the begging. "Fine". Ted finished, giving in. "Thank you Ted, I'm not going to lose anyone else". Ted gave a knowing nod, almost understanding and sympathetic. "Okay, now or never" Abel said, and they began walking back to the metal wall.

"Okay, you guys go hide behind that tree, and I'll peek through and see if there's anyone guarding the door" Alex said, signalling to the others to run. They did. Alex grasped the door handle and gently twisted it; it was still unlocked. He pulled the door slowly, peering through the gap. No one was guarding. "All clear" Alex said, whispering. The others ran to join him, and they quietly and subtly slipped in. "Follow me" Alex said signalling to the door metres away leading them back inside the building. He opened the door and peered through, as he had done before. Clear. He looked around, wondering where Cassie could possibly be. Millions of thoughts flooded his brain, and he thought the worst. His chest tightened and he began to shake again. "Try that door" Ted suggested, pointing towards the door on the opposite side of the hall they had just stolen resources from. They quietly made their way towards the door and peered through the window in the door. Nothing. "Shit" Alex muttered. He tried another. Nothing. No door seemed to lead to Cassie, and he started to lose hope. He came to one last door and was filled with anxiety, he prayed that when he opened the door, Cassie would run to him and kiss him like she had earlier. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her again. To tell Cassie that he loved her again. He put his arm out and reached for the handle, he couldn't stop his hand from shaking. Ted put his hand on Alex's shoulder and gave him a look, a look that made Alex feel better. A look that eased the shaking. He took a deep breath. Twisted the door handle and pulled it open. Ted gasped. So did Abel. Alex stood frozen.

"Get off her, now" Alex said, angry, his face red. Tears streaming down his face. He grabbed the man by his neck and threw him to the ground. Alex had a newfound sense of strength, and he pushed the man's head deep into the concrete ground. He picked up the knife that lay next to Cassie and plunged it deep in the man's neck. The man grunted, wheezed as he gasped for breath. Alex pulled the knife out and continued to thrust it in and out of the man's face. Screaming, he murdered the man who murdered the love of his life.

Cassie lay on the ground, parts of her arms and stomach gone. She lay in a pool of her own blood. Her throat had been slit and her neck stabbed repeatedly. Shreds of her flesh lying beside her, with bites taken out of it. Her face smashed and disfigured, and her legs snapped out of place. Her stomach cut open leaving her organs exposed.  "Alex, I am so sorry" Ted began, trying to comfort Alex. "This is on you Ted" he began. Confusion flooded Ted "I told you we needed to come back for her, we could have saved her, and you... you selfish prick, you only cared about yourself" Alex continued. "You're not thinking straight Alex, can you just come with me, it's not safe here" Ted said, grabbing Alex by the arm and dragging him towards the door. "Get off me" Alex begged, bursting into tears. "Alex, we need to go now" Abel said, grabbing Alex by his other arm. Alex contained himself, and they snuck out the same way they had come in, Alex holding in his tears as he snuck behind the group of scavengers who murdered the love of his life, leaving Cassie in the same place she met her demise.

"We need to get to the survivor compound, now more than ever. We are so vulnerable right now" Ted said. "Yeah it's all about your stupid compound isn't it Ted" Alex interrupted. "Don't even go there Alex" Ted continued. Alex dropped his backpack on the ground and stopped. "You have no idea, the loss I am feeling. Don't pretend to understand Ted" he continued. Ted dropped his backpack and took a step closer to Alex "You seem to forget that I lost someone too Alex. Sort yourself out. We don't have time for this shit". He bent down and picked up his bag and continued walking. Alex stood for a second, paralyzed. He bent down and picked up his bag and followed Ted and Abel. "I'm sorry" he said. Ted ignored him. They walked on in silence, no one knew what to say. Abel especially, who hadn't felt a loss to that extent.

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