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"We need to keep moving, it's not safe here anymore Alex" Ted said, packing up the limited resources they had and placing them in the few backpacks the group carried. "Just two more minutes please" Alex begged. He had sat next to his brother for 10 minutes. No one knew what to say. "Two minutes and then we need to go, they could be coming back right now" Ted finished. Alex nodded. Cassie walked over to Alex and put her hand on his head, gently touching his hair. He leant onto her legs and wrapped his arms around them. He cried and she was his support. She made it easier. "I've got you" she assured him. "We need to go" Ted announced, he was eager to leave. "Come on Alex, it's time to go" Cassie said in a gentle voice. Alex stood up, holding Cassie's hand. He took one last look at Ezra and then they took off into the snow.

The temperature seemed to be getting colder, the snow thicker. The tree's bare and the plants gone. The darkness never ceasing. It seemed repetitive. "Where are we going Ted?" Abel asked. "There should be a town soon, we'll stop there for a bit, and we'll look for resources". Everyone agreed and continued their walk. "Are you okay?" Cassie asked, Alex nodded. He had been quiet for some time now. "I thought he was dead for so long, and I had just gotten my head around that and he just walks back into my life, and then he dies again. And now I'm expected to grieve for him and deal with that loss all over again" Alex said, holding back tears. Cassie put her arm around his waist and her head on his shoulder. He stopped walking and turned to Cassie. She looked up at him. "Why did you stop?" she asked. Abel and Ted continued to walk. "I need to talk to you..." began Alex. Cassie's heart stopped. "I have feelings for you" he continued, "and I know that isn't even a priority right now, but I've lost two people I care about, and I'm scared I'll lose you too and I just need you to know how I feel" he finished. Cassie didn't know what to say. She stood silent, not able to produce words. "I- I uh..." She couldn't find words and in the shock of it all she walked off towards Abel and Ted, leaving Alex confused. "Cass?" He shouted into the distance, confused. And he picked up his bag and followed.

"There's a town" Ted said, pointing. "We'll head there and loot and see what we can find" he continued. Abel nodded. "We need to be careful; we can't risk losing anyone else" Cassie said, anxiously. "We will be, it's okay Cass" Abel said, reassuring her. Alex looked ahead, silent.

The town was quiet, just like the last. No light, no noise, just buildings revolving around three streets covered in snow. "It's a lot like the last one" Cassie said, trying to break tension. "Shh, keep your voice down Cass" Ted whispered. Cassie went back to being silent. "What was that?" Alex asked. No one heard anything. "I thought I heard voices" he continued. "I didn't hear anything but let's just keep an eye out just in case". They all slowly made their way down to the main street and looked around. Alex and Cassie were sent to look in one of the houses that looked to have the most resources. Ted and Abel checked the supermarkets.

"Hey, look Cass, I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have said what I said" Alex began, he didn't like the way things were between them. "It's okay, I shouldn't have reacted how I did. I just wasn't expecting that". Cassie felt awkward. So did Alex. Neither knew what to say now. "Did you find anything?" she continued. Alex shook his head, "No, you?". Cassie shook hers too. "I meant what I said" Alex said. Cassie stopped rummaging through drawers and went to him. "I know" she replied. Alex turned around and they were looking at each other. "I'm in love with you Cass" Alex continued. He placed his hands on her waist and she pushed them away. Cassie looked at him, and he turned around to walk away. Cassie grabbed his arm, pulled him in and pressed her lips against his, and they kissed. She had wanted to kiss him for so long, but she didn't want to admit it. "I love you too" she said, breaking away from the kiss but quickly returning.

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