𝔹lue Birthday

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Nicki was humming to herself as she folded a load of laundry. Half of the army had dispersed across the country. Some were on missions for Kronos, while some had just been allowed to head home for the rest of summer.

Ethan was currently in headed debates with Kronos about how some of the younger demigods could continue schooling while part of the army.

Nicki found herself trying to entertain her mind by doing random household chores. She knew what date it was. She had tried to Iris Message Percy earlier on in the day, but it hadn't connected. All of the messages she sent over their paper had stayed unanswered.

Nicki's phone ringing startled her. She had a different special ringtone for Ethan, her dad, her grandmother, and she had had one for Luke.

This ringtone, however, was her normal one, which she never heard because she was only ever called by 4 people.

Nicki picked up the phone cautiously. "Hello?"

"Hi there, is this Nicki?"

Nicki hummed in reply, continuing to fold laundry. She tucked her phone between her ear and her shoulder. "Yeah, who is this?"

"Hi! It's Sally. Percy's mom?"

Nicki almost dropped her phone in shock. "Sally! Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, darling. I know this is a little out of the blue but I had your number from when Percy called me off of your phone at the start of summer."

Nicki let out a quiet ah. She honestly wouldn't have been surprised if Sally just magically knew her number.

"I was just calling to see if there was any chance you could make it to New York today? I know it's last minute, but we're having a small party for Percy's birthday and I thought you might like to join."

"Yeah, no. I'd love to come! I could shadow travel over in a minute, or y'know whenever you want me?"

Sally laughed down the phone line. "As soon as possible would suit. Percy's going to be home soon, he's just out with Tyson at the moment."

"Alright, I'll see you soon then!"

"Bye, bye darling."

Nicki dropped the hoodie she was folding and took off out of the laundry room.

She made a mad dash across the titan palace, skidding around the corridors in her fluffy socks. She almost slammed into Ethan as he ducked out of one of the meeting rooms.

"Emergency!" Nicki tugged Ethan along behind her. The boy yelped in surprise but nonetheless allowed himself to be carried away by the witch.

"Any particular reason for the emergency?"

"I need you to help me choose an outfit."

As he flopped onto Nicki's bed, Ethan rolled his eyes. "I'm no expert but that doesn't sound like life or death."

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" Nicki rested her back against her closet and stared down Ethan intently. "This is life or death."

"I promise on my life."

"I'm going to Percy's birthday party. His mom just invited me."

Ethan let out a soft ah. "Yeah, still not getting why this is life or death or why I'm needed."

"Well Thalia's on a mission with The Hunt, and I amn't exactly overflowing with friends. Plus imagine how Kronos would react if I'm sauntering off on a visit to—"

"—Your boyfriend's house!" Kissing noises filled the air as Ethan pretended to make out with himself.

"I'll go ask Thomas for help if you'd rather?"

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