𝔽un with flags

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Percy hoisted Nicki up by the wrist, not releasing it until he was sure she was steady.

"What do we do now?" Nicki questioned, scanning the surrounding forest.

"We wait. The Hunters had stormed out of the woods when they fought the manticore, and we need to be prepared for something like that—one huge charge that could overwhelm us." Percy said. The boy in question began rocking on his heels. Nicki's heart beat a little harder.

Nicki pointed toward a movement in the trees. They caught a glimpse of Silena and her two scouts. They ran through a clearing, followed by five of the Hunters, leading them deep into the woods and away from Thalia.

The plan seemed to be working. Then Nicki winced as she spotted another clump of Hunters heading to the right, bows ready. They must've spotted Thalia.

"What's happening?" Nico demanded, trying to climb up next to the two demigods.

Percy hummed almost too quietly to hear.

"Thalia's not gonna get through." Nicki breathed, searching Percy's face. Percy's eyes shut for a second before snapping open.

He looked at Beckendorf. "Can you guys hold the fort?"

Beckendorf snorted. "Of course."

"I'm going in."

The Stoll brothers and Nico cheered as Percy raced toward the boundary line. Nicki cursed under her breath, sprinting after him. She didn't even need to think about it.

"Perseus, I'm backing!" The words were ripped from Nicki's throat as she chased after him. A cloud of purple gathered around her hands, ready to clear a path for Percy.

Nicki caught up to Percy with some difficulty. They were running at top speed and Nicki could no longer feel her legs. The only thing carrying the girl through it was the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

They leapt over the creek into enemy territory. Nicki could see the silver flag up ahead, only one guard, who wasn't even looking in their direction. She heard fighting to their left and right, somewhere in the woods.

The guard turned at the last minute. It was Bianca di Angelo. Her eyes widened as Percy slammed into her and she went sprawling in the snow.

"Sorry!" He yelled. Nicki hesitated before curving a stream of purple in Bianca's direction, affectively caging her against the snow.

"No hard feelings!" Nicki called, chasing after Percy. He ripped down the silver silk flag from the tree and took off. "I'm so unfit." Nicki panted, gasping for air as she manoeuvred after him.

They were ten yards away before Bianca managed to yell for help.


A silvery cord raced across Percy's ankles and fastened to the tree next to him. Before he could even think about stopping, he went down hard, sprawling in the snow. Nicki let out a panicked yelp, jumping over the wire. She slowed to a halt a couple of yards away.

"Percy!" Thalia yelled, off to his left. "What are you doing?"

Before she reached him, an arrow exploded at her feet and a cloud of yellow smoke billowed around her team. They started coughing and gagging. Nicki could smell the gas from across the woods—the horrible smell of sulfur.

"What is that?" Nicki coughed, holding her nose with her fingers.

"No fair!" Thalia gasped. "Fart arrows are unsportsmanlike!"

Percy got up and started running again.

"Oh for gods' sake."  Nicki broke into a sprint. Once more, tearing after Percy.

Bewitched || P. JacksonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu