Chapter 53

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Deep's POV:

"I want a divorce"

I couldn't believe what I heard...

Was I dreaming??

"What did you say??" My brows scrunched while he bluntly repeated

"I want a divorce from you"

My body went all numb as my heart was pounding vigorously but still I managed to force out my words

"Ar..Are you serious AD??"

"Yes" his voice boomed determinedly while I went silent for a while as my heart was still unable to digest his words but he went on pouring  unbearable phrases

"I am bored with this marriage...

It's not really working...

Though we have a strong emotional connection some things needs to be worked out practically...

And that's not happening with us...

Anyhow, we were forced into this marriage...It wasn't a heartful one...

So let's end everything for real...

Let's end everything really and completely"

He said all at once while I my eyes were darted on his cold ones...

The corner of his brown orbs and eyebrows looked very gentle but deep in his eyes there was a small light flashing as if it was trying to show me something hidden that I couldn't see it


I opened my mouth to ask him what was he trying to hide but a loud roar let my body twitch in fear...




His eyes were burning like fire as the way he was clenching his fists depicted that fire he was trying to suppress

He heard each and every word

Throwing the crushed tablets in his hands he barged in like a powerful storm and roared on his brother

"Are you out of your mind??

Do yo-

"Stay out of this Bhai...It's our personal have no right to intrude"

Looking somewhere into the air he put his palm right in front of Arjun's face and Arjun was shocked to death...

His words were sharper than a knife and his face colder than ice...

As soon as his words hit Arjun's senses his face turned all pale with the ugly stain of being disrespected and his voice cracked badly

"I...I am sorry" he managed to utter those words and that poor pitiful baby like soul turned on his heels


I tried to stop him by his wrist but the moment his tear glistening eyes met mine my fingers left his wrist automatically and he flew out of the room

He was hurt...

Very badly...

He knows how sensitive Arjun is...then too he behaved this way...

What has got into him???

As he was facing his back to me I turned him roughly by his shoulder and yelled on his face "How can you talk to him like that??"

He just took off my hand and again blankly looking somewhere into the air he coldly replied "I am not answerable to you because I am done with you"

Did he really say that??

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