Chapter 43

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Aarav's POV:

"I love you Deep"

I yelled at the top of my lungs and pulling myself out of the rope I jerked up my body only to see myself safe and sound

I am alive...

Hurriedly I checked upon my neck while my breathing went a little wild and an anxious yet soothing voice entered my ears while lights were on

"AD what happened??"

I snapped my head and saw Deep rubbing her eyes while a yawn escaped her mouth...

I just threw myself on her and hide my face in her neck and she squirmed "Baby what's wrong" instantly her palms reached my back and began stroking gently

"Dee...Deep...I thought I would die today" and a pinch shoved into my waist "Stop talking nonsensical must have had a bad dream"

"I don't know...I had a rope around my neck as if I was hanged and the rope went on tightening you know...I still didn't ki-

And a peal of loud laughter burst in my ears while I was thrown back on the bed...

She was laughing like a witch...

Is she possessed??

Did the witch enter into my wife's body??


And in one go she just hovered upon me with her wide eyes "Yes, I am a witch and I'll drink your blood now" she said in an extreme devilish tone and began leaning towards my neck while I quickly held her shoulders saving myself from my possessed wife and closing my eyes I  began chanting "Jay Hanuman Gyaa-

My chanting stopped when I felt a finger on my lips and I swallowed hard...

My end is written in my wife's hand...

Tomorrow's headline...A young boy was killed by his wife on his first night

All of sudden a soft silk-like material circled my neck she was going to hang me again but my concentration was on my cheeks...

A soft fluffy touch kept lingering on my cheeks while the same smooth voice hit my lips "Relax baby... it's me...Your Deep"

Slowly I opened my right eye and found her right on my chest with a soft gaze fixed onto my eyes and breathing a big sigh of relief I opened my left eye too while she softly said "It was my braid see" she motioned me to look at my neck..

And yes...

It was her braid...

Dumb Aarav...

She began laughing again whereas I was extremely embarrassed and looked elsewhere...

"Awwww my baby" her baby voice beamed while the thick end of her braid was tickled into my ears bringing a smile onto my lips...

"Hawwww" she yawned on my chest and backed off laying on the bed "Sleep now"

Her body relaxed on the bed while I had something else running inside me...

But how do I say that???

😇: Come on Aarav...she knows you in and out..

Yes, my heart is naked in front of her...

Hesitantly I nudged her arm "Deep"

"Hmmm" she was half asleep...

"I...I...need to go to the washroom"

I knew it was weird of me to say that but then I have my own fears and just now I had a pretty horrifying scene...

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