Chapter 10

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Aarav's POV:

It has been said that time heal all wounds...

That's not the truth...

Wounds remain the same...they remain fresh enough to shatter your soul...

Over time the pain lessens but the scars are never gone...

And my scar was pricked again...

I Hate you...

After 6 years such honey dripping words sprinkled on my scars felt like hot lava has been poured on my soul and it was burnt into dark ashes...

And now even standing under this shower the cold water cascading down my body isn't helping my burning heart..

I couldn't take the rejection again...

I wish everything that I saw and every word I heard could be an illusion but unfortunately, it wasn' was a reality...

A bitter reality enough to bruise my heart...

Strong emotions such as anger...pain...hatred...sadness...betrayal..bitterness and so on surged up my heart

My heart had become a small vulnerable boat in the heavy storm that couldn't withstand the strong  waves of hatred gushing out her eyes and was finally devastated badly

She thinks I am responsible for her pain...

She thinks I am not in pain...or I am not at loss...but she is wrong...totally wrong...I know what pain is...I have lost my fair share too...the nightmares of those 7 days still keep tormenting my mind...the pain I had seen in my parent's eyes still keeps pricking me...just because Bhai helped me to go through it that doesn't mean I don't have scars of my own...I know what pain is...I know what love is...I know what heartbreak is...I know the pain of longing for the things that are not meant for us...

I felt so miserable that I wanted to hit my head straight into the wall but ended up hitting my hand and my knuckles got hurt..

I wanted to smash the cruel tint of the  dark past with that one punch but it didn't help and went on punching again and again

I wanted to put my hands into my heart and pull off the core that was causing me immense pain but as I said God was testing me I couldn't find any other way to comfort my heart...

And my soul wept...under the cascading water my soul wept like a baby

There was nothing else I could do...I had to endure until the pain fades away

I cried and cried...

I cried till I felt no tears were left in my heart and my throat gave me signs of discomfort

"Aaru...come Beta...Have your breakfast" I heard Maa yelling and realised it was time to mask up my emotions

Drapping myself with a towel I looked at my broken replica in the mirror...

My face had become more and more pale and eyes turned super red...

When Maa asked I lied saying it was because of lack of sleep little did she know that it was because of the lack of love in someone's eyes who once meant the world to me...

Me being her little Aaru baby despite saying no for hundreds of times forcefully she kept stuffing breakfast into my mouth while I  made sure to hide my swollen knuckles and Baba entered my room...

It was clear from his face that he got the news and asked Maa to pack food for the hospital and she left

Baba is someone who can read my eyes and peep directly into my heart..

While I was trying to avert my gaze from him he just came forward...circled his arms around me and took me into his warm embrace and began caressing my back while I just leaned my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes I absorbed all his warmth that was the only source of strength for me...

Embracing me for a brief interval he cupped my face and lowering my head he left a soft kiss on my crown and made me sit on the bed and set my hair with his fingers

Arching his brows he meant how was his little champ for which I just nodded in response

Taking my hands in his he began stroking the back of my palms gently that had swollen "Look champ we can't go to the past and change  whatever happened between you two but the future is in your hands not let your blossoming future get affected with the thorns of the bitter hints of past...

Don't try to recall those bad memories and give any single scope to break your bond to the next level...because if it breaks now you won't get the chance to mend it in future...already you have spent 6 years in the process of mending your broken bond and every time it's not the time alone that heals...sometimes we need to take the initiative to heal the broken things

And speaking about the current situation, more than all of us it's only you who know her the try to be calm and survive the situation...right now she needs Arjun because only he can make her understand the things in her way...

And remember champ the main culprit here is the emotion ANGER..

Both of you are fighting against each other only because of the anger you have piled up for years

Try to overcome that anger... it's not that difficult

It's just an emotion champ...sometimes good and sometimes bad..but what matters the most is how do you use this emotion

Sometimes it breaks bonds and sometimes it builds bonds

But most of the time we use it in a wrong way...we ultimately use it to harm ourselves"

I gave a confusing look while Baba explained

"The cycle of anger ends up with self-destruction champ...

First, it's irritation
Irritation turns into Anger
Anger takes a shape of pain
And when pain exceeds, the cycle ends up with self-harm...

Deepu did the same...and I don't want you to repeat the same mistake

So the choice yours"

Placing his palm over my cheek he added "Holding grudge against your loved ones is poisonous to your soul kills us from don't do any mistake that the consequences will turn out even worse...for you and for her too"

I nodded in assurance and Baba left

While I was getting ready I got a call from Mama informing she left with Bhai and the next second my heart fluttered with the thought of Bhabhi...

Though Bhai was aware of her drama Bhabhi was totally new to her...

Bhai-Bhabhi's married life was slowly blossoming and I was worried that Deep's arrival may cause a disturbance in their happy lives...

And as Baba said only I was the one who know every single nerve of her I knew about her dramatic stunts

Unwillingly the drama and the chaos that she created years back and let my family suffer for 7 days flashed my eyes and all the words of wisdom spoken by Baba vanished from my mind

Bhai-Bhabhi both of them were soft-hearted and there were heavy chances that this witch would take full advantage of their soft nature and I would never let that happen...I would never let her repeat the drama and let my family suffer

I would never let her harm my people...

So I decided to protect my family...

I rushed back to Bhai's place and argued with Bhabhi not to let her stay with them...

But she being Arjun's Sona was behaving in his way...she said she was just being on her husband's side and supporting his decision to help her...and whatever Bhai was doing was for that witch's sake...

I went on arguing with her saying she is not aware of her drama and that's when I heard her from behind and my heart squealed with some unknown positive energy

My name being spelt by her bitter mouth after a big 6 years was something that I craved for

"Hii Aarav"

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