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Despite my constant refusal Sunghoon had somehow pestered me enough to convince me to go home and sleep. Not that I slept any better or longer at home than I would've done in that chair, but I think it made him happy to know I got home and slept in an actual bed.

Before going to the hospital in the late-morning I had been around the company to assure that Jake was doing fine, and wasn't too nervous and unorganized in his way of handling things. Surprisingly he even seemed prepared for my visit and had handed me a list of things I could tell on to Sunghoon.

I quietly knocked on the door to the hospital-room before quietly creaking it open. Inside Sunghoon was already sitting up in his bed, smiling widely as if he had been waiting for me.

"Stop knocking," he reminded as I walked in and dropped my bag at the foot of his bed.

"I'll knock all I want to, don't you dare try and stop me," I warned earning a small chuckle from him, "you can laugh without it hurting today?"

"No," he shook his head at me, carefully placing his hand just above where his stitches were, or at least where I suppose they were. Just under the right side of his chest.

"Then don't chuckle at me," I reminded him as I sat down in my permanent chair.

"Well, I can't really help it," he excused as he looked over at me, to which I simply shrugged.

"You don't seem as weak today," I remarked and he shook his head at me.

"The doctor checked on me this morning, said I was moving along surprisingly well," he excused as a slow smile spread on his face, "said I would be on a liquid diet until tomorrow, and then they expect me to start being able to walk... very slowly, around the room as well. But I feel fine, only a bit sore around the right side of my ribcage."

"Understandable," I hummed at him before digging my hand into my pocket, getting out the list Jake had written for me, "I brought apple juice in my bag, and then I stopped by the company to check up on Jake before I came here. He has a small list of things to assure you everything is going fine in the company."

"Will you read it for me?" Sunghoon questioned and I quietly nodded at him.

"Stocks are still rising as they have in the past six months, with an expected double percentage rise in stocks for the new year, per month," I stated before arching an eyebrow and just shrugging, "whatever that means."

"It's a good thing," he assured and I just hummed at him.

"Uhm... partnerships with JP company and Deer Architecture is set in place and expected to be unfolded some time around June, next year," I continued, "and then a whole lot of numbers and words I don't get," I excused and extended the paper to Sunghoon.

He carefully grabbed it with one hand, digging the other into my hair as he let his eyes slide over the paper. Eventually he just laid it to the side before looking back at me, while I rested my head on the side of his bed.

"Did you sleep well?" he questioned and I quietly shook my head, "no?"

"Too empty," I excused and he smiled as I lifted my head to rest in my palm, "but what I don't do to keep you happy."

"They expect me to be discharged on January 1st," he assured with a small nod, "and promised you could stay for New Year's eve."

"Well... that's nice," I sarcastically commented, only earning a small laugh from him, "I was thinking... or well... last night before I fell asleep I was thinking."

"Sure it's something smart," Sunghoon remarked and I jokingly rolled my eyes at him, "no, really. Tell me what's on your mind."

"Oh well... I just wondered if we could get married soon," I quietly murmured with a small shrug, hesitantly glancing up to watch Sunghoon's face contort into a wide grin.

"Are you serious?" he questioned and raised both his eyesbrows and I quietly nodded, "like are you really serious?"

"Yeah," I nodded once more, "I just... you technically already proposed to me back in the Summer, and like... I've been wearing the ring all this time," I excused and turned over the small thin silver band that rested neatly around my ring finger, "I think... or well, I know... I've come to the realization that I don't really want it to be anyone else, I don't even want to see it in anyone else."

"See what?" Sunghoon murmured in amusement.

"My future," I casually replied before looking up at him, watching as he desperately tried to bite a small laugh of happiness back, "I don't think it'll be a big wedding or sorts... we don't really have anyone to invite. But I just thought... on paper, and to all gawking girls, I want to make it perfectly clear that you can't really escape me unless you want to go through the length process of a divorce."

"Sieun, I would love to marry you," he assured and grabbed onto my hand softly, "if anything I want us to do it the moment I get out of here. We can go to the administration, sign the papers and we'll legally be husband and wife."

"Yeah," I whispered with a small nod, "yeah..."

"Are you really sure Sieun?" he softly questioned and I immediately nodded at him, "tell me the truth."

"I'm actually kind of shocked you agreed so quickly," I admitted with a small embarrassed laugh, to which his grin widened enough for his eyes to crinkle up into two crescents, "I don't even know what I expected."

"Well, now you've made the deal with me, we're gonna get married when I'm out of here and that's final," he reminded and I let out a small laugh as he gave my hand a small squeeze.

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