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I carefully picked up the empty bottles as the morning sun shone into the office. Sunghoon wasn't awake yet, and I might as well just get to work. I kept glancing towards his office chair, that still stood turned like it had last night when I had dragged him to his bed.

"Why did you have to kiss me?" I muttered to myself and shook my head.

I had to admit that the kiss had had an effect on me. I had spent most of the night thinking about why I had actually kissed him back, even if it was just for a short moment. I hadn't taken a liking to him, had I? No, it was probably just out of pure sympathy that I had kissed him back.

"What are you doing up?" a voice spoke from the door, and I looked over to see Sunghoon standing in his sweatpants and white t-shirt. He hadn't even gotten dressed in his usual dress pants and white shirt, which he wore in the weekends, despite working from home.

"Cleaning," I calmly replied and checked the clock above his door, "would you rather have me make breakfast for you now, or can you wait two hours for lunch, like the schedule?"

He looked around in confusion before his eyes fell on the bottles on the tray, he immediately let out a sigh before dragging his hand over his face and placed the other on his hip.

"I drank last night?" he questioned and I just hummed at him.

"I took the liberty of locking your alcohol cabinet," I nodded at him.

"I didn't... I didn't do anything stupid, last night, did I?" he questioned and I glanced over at him before just shaking my head, "what happened, exactly?"

"I got back, fixed you some hot milk and helped you to bed," I shrugged and placed the nearly empty bottle of wine on the tray.

"Oh... uh... actually, could you leave that here? I'll finish it for breakfast," he stated and I glanced over at him.

"Not a chance," I shook my head at him.

"Excuse me, what'd you say?" he questioned in shock.

"My job is to take care of you and the house mr. Park," I calmly replied and something flushed across his face, almost as if he remembered me saying the same words last night. I could only hope he remembered me saying it, and not what we... he did, "so I'm not letting you drink wine for breakfast."

"Even if I might have a hangover?" he questioned with a small smirk.

"Then I advice you to go down in the greenhouse for your breakfast. I'll bring you a large cup of water and some medicine along with your breakfast," I assured him, "as for now I advice you to go and rest as well as take a shower."

"Just so you know... you have bags under your eyes," he stated before walking off again.

"Fuck you Park Sunghoon," I grumbled after him.

"Still not gonna live up to your words?" he yelled out making my face flush at his words.

After having cleaned up I went down to the kitchen and carefully began cooking his breakfast. I stood in my own world, before a knock was on the door at the kitchen, making me look over at Sunghoon who was dressed by now, and still had slightly damp hair.

"I'll be sitting in the greenhouse," he stated.

"Of course," I nodded at him before he nodded and disappeared once more.

That was a first, that he had come down in the kitchen to inform me of anything. Mostly he would call over the house phone or just not tell me.

I finished his breakfast on time, and added a few pills on the side, to help with his hangover. If he actually had one, that is. I quietly picked up the tray and walked down to the greenhouse, where Sunghoon sat at the small round table, head digged into his work. As per usual.

"Breakfast, mr. Park," I spoke up and he let out a small hum before moving his papers to the side.

I placed down his breakfast along with the big glass of water before hesitating a bit.

"Do you have a hangover?" I questioned him and he glanced up at me from his food.

"No, I'm good," he assured and waved it off.

"Very well. Enjoy your breakfast mr. Park," I hummed before turning around once more.

"Miss Jung," he called out and I turned back to him, "I think... from now on we're making it a rule that you accompany me during my meals, unless I tell you otherwise."

"Ah... I see," I nodded and returned to the empty chair across from him, "if mr. Park wishes it."

"I do," he stated and began eating his breakfast.

I sat in silence as he ate his breakfast. I quietly drummed my fingers on the tray as I waited to be able to go back and continue with my work for the day.

"Miss Jung, may I ask you a question?" Sunghoon spoke up and I looked over at him, as he laid his cutlery down and folded his hands under his chin, "why did you kiss me last night?"

"Excuse me?" I questioned, almost having choked on air.

"You heard me, miss Jung. Why did you kiss me?" he arched a brow, "was it because I was drunk and you found me in a vulnerable state."

"Sorry, let me correct myself. Excuse you," I exclaimed at him making him just arch his eyebrow further.

"I'll have you know that this could get you fired. I just need to make a phone call," he stated.

"I dare you," I hummed.

"So you don't want to answer why you felt like kissing me was justifiable?" he hummed.

"It was you that kissed me!" I exclaimed at him.

"I don't believe that to be true miss Jung," he shook his head at me.

"Then let me ask you," I stated and gave him a sharp look, that made both his eyebrows go up, "why in the world would I return from the hospital and go to you as the first person. Just to kiss you because you're drunk."

"You went to the hospital?" he slowly lifted his head from his hands and looked at me in shock.

"Oh, get a grip on reality," I stated and stood up from my chair, "you heard the call was from the hospital when I rushed out yesterday. Quit being so full of yourself."

I ran a hand through my hair before walking out of the greenhouse, before abruptly stopping up and poking my head back into the room.

"Did I mention?" I questioned and raised my eyebrows making him look up at me, from the paperwork he already had gotten out, "screw you."

The Maid | P.ShUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum