29- Ian

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"So, how's Tawny doing?"

With my eyes glued to my laptop and not wishing to talk as I looked over the club's sales report summary, my left shoulder lifted a little.

I heard the wheels of a chair on the other side of my desk move, and my eyes did a quick roll, looking up, then back down to the laptop after seeing Arnie take a seat.

"Still haven't heard from her, hey?"

"Nope," I muttered.

"Have you tried calling her?"

My eyes shot up, and my brows quickly formed into one. "What kind of question is that? Of course, I called her. Not only did I call, but I texted her as well. Numerous times."

"How bad did you piss her off?"

I sat tall, folded my hands together on top of the desk, and then glared at my annoying brother, wishing I could snap my fingers for him to disappear. Then, knowing it was something I couldn't do, I responded, "I didn't do anything to piss her off."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. All I did was tell Tawny what her father told me. It was hard to inform her of what he said. And I struggled with how, where, and when to tell her all day long. I may not have done it in the right way, but it was the only way I could think of doing it."

Arnie looked confused. "I understand she needed to know the truth, but couldn't you have just told her that her father needed to see her? And that he had some important things to tell her?"

"I could have, yes. But I wasn't sure if Tawny ever visited Roman; he'd tell her what he told me. And felt if by telling her everything I knew, it would help her frame of mind when the time came she visits him asking he tells her the truth about his infidelity and the siblings she never knew about."

"I see your point," he said, twisting his lips. "Do you even know where Tawny is?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Damn. You buy her a new car, and then she leaves. Are you sure she wasn't using you to get a car after what happened to hers a couple of years ago?"

What a stupid question.

I furrowed my brows. "You're an idiot. No. Tawny didn't use me; she's nothing like my ex. For your information, the night Tawny left, she thought she was driving that piece of a shit car she had. She never knew I bought her one until she left her trailer that night."

"So, where is she, then?" Arnie asked, causing my blood to want to boil.

"I did find out Tawny paid a visit to her father about a week ago. Where she is now, I don't have a clue. I'm sure she went somewhere private to process everything he told her. And if that's what she did, I'll give her that space she wishes to have."

"The least she could do is let you know she's okay, or even tell you where she is."

Yeah, I know. And I wish she would do just that. But I can't make her do that either. Tawny's also an adult, and she can do as she pleases, without the likes of me telling her what she needs to do.

"She'll call when she's ready to talk."

I hope.

"Well, for your sake, I hope you're right. I know how easy it is for you to screw things up. Especially relationships."

You don't have to remind me.

I was done talking with him and leaned forward, focusing my eyes back at the sale report numbers for the month, groaning, "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

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