20- Tawny

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Never in a million years did I ever think Ian would have the kind of heart he does—a heart of gold. But when I think back to all the conversations Hannah had with me about Ian, she always said that Ian has a big heart; it's just broken. And the more Ian and I spend time together; I see exactly what Hannah means when she describes Ian's true personality and how his heart works.

However, I don't understand that if Ian's heart is so fragile, why do his actions always show differently?

Ian put a lock on his heart and threw away the key after his ex called off their engagement, Hannah once said. And that when his ex dropped the surprising bomb on him, he said his entire world evaporated into thin air.

Supposedly, that was when Ian became this monster Hannah never thought he'd ever become.

However, since deciding to give Ian a chance, I've learned Ian's no monster, that he's a man who had his heart broken into a million pieces. And he fears that if he pieced his heart back together and unlocked the padlock he attached to his heart, the apprehension of another woman shattering it once again is at the top of his mind.

There's one thing about me with relationships: I don't break hearts; they break mine—including my own family members.

Last night was a shocker. I never thought the day would come of hearing my dad entering a treatment program. And for Ian to be the one to talk my father into going is astonishing. So, because of what Ian did and how adamant he was about covering all of my dad's expenses without us expecting to repay him, Ian earned another piece of my heart.

Ian also got a night from me I haven't been able to stop thinking about ever since I awoke this morning. For once in my life, I was the one in control of our sexual rendezvous. And as I lay here watching Ian sleep, breathe, and smile from whatever he's dreaming about, I hope that when he opens his eyes and sees me staring at him, he'll want to continue where we left off.

"I can feel you staring at me," Ian quietly said, his eyes still closed and with a smile that had me leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. "How long have you been watching at me?" he asked, my lips still on his.

"All morning," I admitted as he opened his eyes.

Ian's smile widened. "Would you like me to close my eyes so you can continue staring at me?" He closed his eyes tight, then chuckled. "You staring at me is giving me a chubby."

I lowered my hand to the hardness pressing against me and wrapped my hand around it. "It couldn't be by me watching you; it's actually been hard all morning," I said, gently stroking Ian's very hardened cock.

"So, what are you going to do with it?"

Grinning, I said, "I want you to tell me what you'd like me to do with it."

"I want you to surprise me like you did last night," Ian admitted, pulling me on top of him and firming his hold around me. He opened his eyes, and as they met with mine, I instantly melted into his body when his emerald-colored eyes brightened to sea green—a vivid view of a beautiful landscape I'm quickly and easily becoming lost in.

As we silently look at each other, the reading I'm getting from his eyes says he's given me the key to his heart, and it has me melting like hot wax. Of course, I could be wrong, but not only do his eyes show he's opening his heart for me, but they're also showing that he's falling for me. And by seeing what I am, I feel like those morning dew droplets balancing perfectly on leaves, waiting to integrate with the beautiful nature.

Ian's hands roamed up my back and to the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as they glided through. And with an apologetic look in his eye, he said, "My God, Tawny. What the hell ever possessed me to treat you the way I was?"

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