03 ❥Bear Maddox

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That was my first thought when I saw him. More because I was scared that he looked so... well scary. But goodness me he sure was handsome.

Waves of thick black hair cascaded around his ears. His tense jawline chiseled his well-structured face. If he wasn't intimidating me so much right now I might have drooled over this man.

Don't stare Briar, that's rude. Before I watched him too long, I put a smile on my face knowing Mrs. Jericho was asking him to sit next to me. I wanted him to feel welcome, being the new kid and all.

And duh, he was my best friends' cousin after all. But he looked like he wanted to kick something. I really hoped it wasn't me.

I scoot my stuff over so he would have room for his things. He threw his backpack on top of the desk with a thud and dropped himself in the chair next to mine.

Wow, he smelled good. I could sit here all year long if he would always smell this good. I wonder what cologne he used. I hoped I smelled good. I wear perfume and shower daily and also brushed my teeth twice, sometimes three times a day. I took very good care in making sure I had good hygiene. It wasn't a luxury I had all my life.

Mrs. Jericho finally began her lesson to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Well it's the first day of school, you know what that means. It's time for our icebreaker activities, YAY!" She said as some of the people around me groaned. Wesley was the loudest in the class. I knew he was sitting in the back with Naomi.

I made eye contact with her when she walked into class. She didn't look happy to see me in the slightest, which was to be expected. Queen bee Naomi Clermont hated my guts. So, I stuck my nose in a book and never looked up.

Anyway, back to now. I think an icebreaker is a nice idea, as unpopular as the idea may be.

"So I want you to pick someone close to you and I'm going to give you a few minutes to introduce yourselves and pick one thing about your partner to share with the rest of the class," Mrs. Jericho finished.

Roman shifted in his seat and I could see his jaw twitch from my peripherals. I guess he wasn't a fan of icebreakers as well, though he was very quiet about his disinterest.

Mrs. Jericho set a timer for us and the people around us were already diving into conversations. I turn to Roman and he's already looking at me like this is the last place he wants to be. I brush it off with a small smile of introduction.

"Um... so hi. My name is Briar."

His face flashes to an immediate frown. "Your name is Bear?" He asks in annoyed disbelief.

"No, Briar. It means a plant with prickly stems, like thorns or something. I like to tell people it's another word for rose, which technically it is."

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