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After spending nearly two weeks in Greece, the gang headed home with Lando having to be back at the MTC for some work before the race first of the second half of the season in Spa.

Millie had been sat beside Max on the flight back to England the pair spend the couple of hours talking which made Millie realise that she liked Max even more than she thought she did.

After being back in England for the last two days, Max was leaving to see his parents while Lando had to go to work for a while to do some sim work.

Which left Millie to invite Ria over to hang out seeing as they hadn't seen each other since the night everyone went out after the British Grand Prix.

"So, how was Greece? It looked amazing. I was so jealous." Ria spoke as the two sat down around the kitchen island of Lando's house with coffee.

"Yeh it was good. Most days we did nothing but hang around the pool, we rented a yacht for a few days and done some water sports. And thenirealisedthatilikemax." Millie muttered the last sentence into her cup of coffee.

"What was that last bit?" Ria asked with a smile, wondering if she had heard the brown haired girl right.

"I said irealisedthatilikedmax." Millie said again after burying her face into the coffee again.

"Are you serious?" Ria exclaimed.

"How could you have possible understood what I said?" Millie wondered as she placed her cup down.

"All I heard was I like Max. Are you serious? You like Max?" Ria said with a smile on her face.

"Yes. Okay. Now shush." Millie told her.

"Why? There's no one here." Ria spoke confused.

"I know. I just don't wanna talk about it anymore." The brown haired girl replied.

"Oh we are so talking about this." Ria told her excitedly with a smile on her face causing Millie to roll her eyes in reply. She knew this would happen.


A few days later Lando had left to go to Belgium for this weekend's Grand Prix while Max arrived home from visiting his parents.

Millie was upstairs streaming on Twitch while Max was downstairs doing something unknown to Millie, most likely watching tv.

"How come you didn't go to Spa?" Millie read from the chat. "Well someone has to run Quadrant while Lando is off participating in his part time job."

Millie was laughing at the comments everyone was making at her joke as she adjusted the position she was sitting in.

"No seriously though. Sometimes it's not possible to be at every race as much as I'd love that. Like for example, we're filming a Quadrant video tomorrow so I have to be there for that." The brown haired girl explained as she swung side to side in her gaming chair.

"How was Greece?" Millie read the next question from her long list of chat. "Guys it was amazing. It was so nice to just hang out with everyone and do different stuff like water sports and that."

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