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"Sun. Yay." Millie exclaimed as they got off the plane in Greece and headed towards the airport to collect their bags.

"Oh god." Max rolled his eyes as she started skipping towards the large building. "She's skipping."

"Of course she is." Lando laughed as the others hung back and walked normally.

"You guys are so boring." Millie told them as she stood by the door to the airport with her arms crossed as she waited on the others to join her.

In total there was 9 on them on the holiday. The trio along with Tom, Lando's brother Oliver and his girlfriend Savannah. Then Lando and Max's close friend Martin who was racing driver. Then there was Connor and his girlfriend Jennie.

"Come on. I'll skip with you." Jennie said as she looped her arm through Millie's and the pair skipped towards baggage claim.

"Oh now there's two of them." Connor spoke as he ran a hand down his face.

"Imagine being able to skip." Savannah rolled her eyes as she put her hand on her stomach as she was six months pregnant.

Everyone laughed at Savannah's comment as the boys and her followed after the two skipping girls to go and collect their bags.


They had decided to rent a house for the few days in Greece. The house had 5 rooms and since there was two couples they automatically were sharing rooms with there significant other.

With 3 rooms left, Millie got her own room while Lando and Max shared one and Tom and Martin were in another.

Everyone went to their rooms to get changed before heading to the pool in the back garden of the house.

Millie threw her suitcase on the bed and grabbed the first black bikini she could see. She threw it on and grabbed a cover up dress which she threw on.

She quickly unpacked some clothes so she didn't have to go digging through her suitcase over the next few days when she wanted some clothes.

She grabbed her phone and sunglasses before heading downstairs where Max, Lando, Tom and Martin in the kitchen.

"Huh. Funny how it's the couples who haven't come down yet." Martin said causing Lando to cringe.

"Ew. That's my brother." Lando spoke as he shivered at the thought. "Let's just go out to the pool."

The 5 headed out to the back garden where the pool and sun loungers were. There was also an outdoor patio area with a barbecue and a pizza oven.

"Oh cool." Millie commented as she spotted the oven built into the wall. She took off her cover up and dipped her foot into the pool.

Suddenly a pair of hands came into contact with her back sending her flying into the cold water. She resurfaced above the water and pushed her hair back from her face.

"Lando." Millie immediately shouted after seeing him stood closest to the pool.

"It wasn't me." Lando shook his head in reply as he pointed towards Max who moved away after pushing Millie into the pool.

"Max." Millie exclaimed.

"What?" The Birmingham boy asked innocently.

"You better run." Millie said as she pulled herself out of the pool and ran after him.

She eventually caught up with him and launched herself at him. Lucky for her, he caught her to stop her from hitting the ground.

"Now I'm all wet." Max complained as he put the brown haired girl down.

"Boo hoo. Get in the pool." Millie rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"My t-shirt." Max said holding out his grey t-short that was now all wet.

"Eh I think you mean my t-shirt." Lando called out after realising Max was in fact wearing his t-shirt.

"What? Sorry, I can't hear you." Max replied as he took of the t-shirt and jumped into the pool causing Tom and Millie to laugh.


That night they were all going out to dinner before going out to some local night club. Savannah said she was just going to dinner and going to come back to the house because she didn't fancy being in a packed night club while pregnant.

Millie was applying the finishing touches to her make up when a knock came on her door.

"Come in." Millie called out and her door opened to reveal Jennie. "Hey. What's up?"

"Hey. I was wondering do you have red lipstick I forgot mine." Jennie wondered stepping into her room. "And by the way, you look hot."

"Thank you." Millie smiled in reply. "And yeh, in that bag there."

Millie pointed to a black make up bag on the table in her room as she finished applying her own lip gloss.

"Thanks Mils." Jennie said once she finished putting the lipstick on.

"You can take it for tonight if ya want." Millie spoke as she finished doing her own lips before popping the gloss into her bag.

"Ah thanks." The blonde replied with a smile. "Long time no talk huh? Any news?"

"News? What news would I have?" Millie wondered as she check her bag to make sure she has everything she needed for the night.

"Just wondering. Any boys?" Jennie asked with a smile.

Jennie was three years old then Millie but even with that the pair instantly clicked when they had first met through Jennie's relationship with Connor and Connor's friendship with Max and Lando.

"You think I have a boyfriend? Have you met me? I'm like the worst secret keeper I'd have told you before he even asked me." Millie joked causing Jennie to laugh.

"I was just asking that's all." Jennie replied.

"Are you two coming or what?" Conor wondered walking into Millie's room.

"Oh hello Conor. Thanks for knocking." Millie said as she crossed her arms over her chest in a joking way.

"Sorry but the boys are getting impatient downstairs and Savannah and the baby is hungry." Conor explained.

"Did the baby tell you that?" Jennie asked with a smile.

"Shut up and get out, will you?" Conor said pointing towards the door.

"We're coming, jeez." Jennie replied. Millie grabbed her bag and followed the couple out the door of her room and downstairs.


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