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"Hello, hello, hello everyone." Millie spoke as she sat crossed legged in her gaming chair as the Twitch stream started in front of her while comments rolled into the chat.

"It feels so good to be back on here. I have been sick to the last couple of days and stuck in my bed as a lot of you know so it feels good to get up and do something productive with my time even if it's just for an hour or so." The brown haired girl explained as she rested her elbows on her knees that were resting against the arms of her chair. "So let's have a chat."

"Where are Lando and Max?" She read off the first couple of comments from the computer screen in her room.

Millie had been living with Lando for the last few months and Max had moved in not that long ago. Max had also recently joined Quadrant which was how he and Lando had reacquainted after karting together when they were younger.

"Lando and Max are actually on their way back from Silverstone. And thankfully picking up dinner on the way because I am starving and there is no food in this house." Millie explained.

Millie scrolled through the chat messages that were flying in while thanking people for subscribing and giving gifts to her Twitch channel.

Tomorrow was the British Grand Prix at Silverstone and Millie was glad she was better so she could attend the race.

She had skipped going to the circuit yesterday or today as she still wasn't feeling 100% better but felt much better as the day went on and decide she would go to the race tomorrow.

"Predictions for tomorrow's race? I'm not actually too sure. Max was quite fast in the sprint today which should make tomorrow interesting as Lewis will be determined to win at his home race. Lando had good pace today too. I think tomorrow will be interesting. What about you guys?"

She scanned over the replies to her question and read the different opinions on the race tomorrow and today's first ever sprint qualifying.

She spent another hour talking to the stream and answering questions from the chat. She took out her phone and looked down at it in an attempt to find out exactly where the boys were because she was getting very hungry now.

Due to her headphones, she didn't hear her bedroom door opening and because she was looking down at her phone she couldn't see Lando walking into her room on the stream but the chat did and started commenting like crazy trying to get the brown haired girl's attention.

"I don't know where they are guys but they better be here soon because I'm starving." Mille spoke as she typed a message to both Lando and Max in the hope one of them would reply to her.

"Boo." Lando exclaimed as she placed his hands on her shoulder causing the girl to jump in surprise.

"Lando." Millie yelled as she noticed the Formula One driver behind her now laughing hysterically at her reaction.

She had slid half way down her gaming chair and half of her body was now nearly on the floor as her heart beat so fast she though it might explode out of her chest.

"I'm going to kill you." Mille spoke as she sat up and turned around in her seat. She lifted her foot and kicked Lando's knee as he continued to laugh at her.

"Ow." He said while grabbing his knee as he took a seat on her bed making a pouting face. "That was uncalled for."

"So was nearly giving me a heart attack." She told him as he simply smiled.

"Oh but your reaction was so worth it. And now the whole internet has it." Lando nodded towards the camera behind her that was still streaming.

She had completely forgot about the Twitch stream going on behind her and now realised that her reaction would be all over the internet in the morning as everyone would most likely make a meme out of her being scared by Lando.

"Now come on. I left Max alone with the food." Lando told her as he stood up walking towards her bedroom door.

"Okay." Millie replied before turning back in her seat so she was facing the camera. "Okay guys. You heard Lando. Dinner calls and as you guys know I'm starving so I'm gonna go. I'll see you guys soon. Bye."

Millie shut off the stream as she placed her headphone on the desk before standing up and following Lando downstairs into the kitchen.

"Fewtrell. Where's my dinner?" Millie spoke as she skipped into the kitchen before jumping up on the kitchen island next to where Max was standing with the food laid out on the marble.

"Here." Max replied before shoving a chip in her mouth.

"Thanks." She said after she finished chewing.

"You ate it all already? That was all we got you." Max informed her causing the brown haired girl to roll her eyes.

"Shut up. I'm hungry and you don't want to deal with me when I'm hungry." Millie spoke as she hopped down from the counter before grabbing the brown paper bag and reaching inside in search of her food.

She pulled out the various food items from the bag and laid them across the kitchen island before they all took a seat and started to eat. As they ate the three friends started to talk about today's sprint qualifying and the race tomorrow.


First chapter ☺️ let me know what you guys think x


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