Killer Pride

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'And you're sure Y/N?'

'Positive mum. I watched the compass refocus on it,' he pointed at the compass lying on Professor McGonagall's desk. 'Who or whatever was under that cloak is currently being tracked.'

The following morning had dawned dark and dreary. Most of Gryffindor tower had already headed down to breakfast, however Y/N and Hermione, after his note the following morning, had been called aside on the pretence of discussing one of their homework pieces.

Y/N had already told McGonagall everything they had found out about the Stone and was now telling her about the trip into the forest and the figure they'd seen sweep across their vision.

Y/N was glad he'd chosen to tell his mother, but the entire time he'd been recounting his story, a small feeling of dread had been gathering in his stomach. He didn't want any of his friends getting hurt.

'And you say Potter and Weasley think it's Professor Snape?' asked Professor McGonagall.

'Yeah, Harry says he has some sort of personal grudge against him. But I struggle to believe he'd want to kill him. But I also don't see why Quirrell would want to,' said Y/N looking at her.

'Severus Snape has been a professor at this school for many years now. Dumbledore trusts him, and despite many of his faults, so do I. Quirrell however is an partially unknown entity to all of us. He used to be our Muggle Studies professor but left for a year. Upon his return he took over Defence Against the Dark Arts and seems... different. Whilst I do not know if I share your suspicion, I do know that of the two, I trust Severus more,' she stood up and began pacing behind her desk, seeming lost in thought.

'Professor?' asked Hermione cautiously. 'What if we just took the compass down to the Great Hall or the staff room? We could check for sure.'

'I do not know if the person in question was aware of the cast and it may draw too much attention to the fact that we know. I would not be surprised, assuming the person is aware, if they began avoiding Y/N or possibly even made a move against him.'

Hermione looked shocked at this, but Y/N nodded.

Inside however, was a screaming a different tale. He'd known it. Had been worried about it. It wasn't a surprise but he still felt his stomach lurch. He'd been thinking of it the moment the spell had taken effect. It takes a powerful wizard to fell a unicorn, and from what Firenze had told Harry, an evil one. And Y/N had thrown a tracker at them.

'It would make sense, if they know what I did. They know I have a marker to exactly where they are.'

'As such,' said McGonagall. 'To protect you and keep an eye on it myself, I would like to hold onto this. At least until after your exams finish, Y/N,' and she pointed at the compass.

'Of course mum, you'll do more with it than I will. Just please tell me if you find out who it's pointing at,' his heart was pounding, threatening to burst out of his chest. But he couldn't lose it, he could see the fear on Hermione's face. He couldn't let her see.

'How can you two be so calm?' asked Hermione and they turned to look at her. 'You've just said that a powerful dark wizard will have put a target on Y/N!'

'Y/N is currently within Hogwarts; no dark wizard will attempt to harm him whilst in this school or risk bringing the wrath of Albus Dumbledore and myself. Plus with exams around the corner, if it is either Severus or Quirrell they will not risk an attack until after they have passed, or they'll draw pointless unwanted attention.'

Hermione didn't look convinced, but Y/N leant towards her and spoke quietly.

''Mione. She's right. I'm safe whilst I'm here and the moment mum knows who's looking for me, she'll tell Dumbledore. I have no doubt he'll know by Monday. Besides, I've got the best witch in Hogwarts to protect me.'

A Young Wizard's Journey - Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now