Fond Memories

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'How dare you,' said Professor McGonagall, staring at the two in front of her. Harry was looking everywhere but at her. Hermione had her head lowered, her hand hovering up near her shoulder and intertwined with Y/N's who stood behind her chair.

'I have already caught Mr Malfoy and Y/N out of bed, and now I find you two have been off up the Astronomy tower,' she continued. 'It's 1 o'clock in the morning. Detention for both of you and 30 points from Gryffindor each.' Y/N looked shocked but McGonagall silenced him with a look. 'I thought you had more sense, Miss Granger, and Mr Potter I thought Gryffindor meant more to you than this. Nothing gives you the right to walk around the school after hours.'

'But Professor, all the points I earned for Gryffindor-' said Harry, but McGonagall cut across him.

'Are things you should have thought of before you left for a night-time stroll at 1 o'clock. You should be grateful I am not taking more. Now both of you, wait outside whilst I speak to Y/N. Then, I will take you all up to the common room. I am disappointed with you all.'

Harry stood up and moved his way out the office looking as though he'd been punched. Hermione however didn't seem to have it in her to move, she simply looked up at Y/N as he squeezed her hand. She looked a million miles away.

'Mione can know mum,' said Y/N quickly after seeing the empty stare of his best friend. 'I trust her, I'd just rather Harry and Ron didn't.' McGonagall nodded before seating herself.

'Very well then. To clarify first with you Y/N, the 30 points each are to account for the 20 from Mr Potter, Miss Granger and Mr Weasley for not being honest. I couldn't well take points off Mr Weasley without showing that I knew of his involvement. And I had to be shown to be doing something.' and Y/N breathed a sigh of relief. Hermione's eyes had refocused and she was looking at Y/N.

'I told her,' he said, looking into those brown orbs. 'Told her everything, I trust her, I know she'd have helped us if we had.'

'And so I would of,' said McGonagall. 'I'd of at least ensured the dragon could be out of dangers reach and done my best to ensure the castle was empty. I wouldn't have approved, but I'd sooner see the dragon gone and I don't want to see Hagrid sacked. He is a fool, but I can't reverse what he's done. Only try to fix it.'

Hermione's eyes were swimming in tears.

'So... so we aren't going to be expelled?' she muttered quietly.

'Expelled? Why on earth would I expel my best students and own son for trying to rid the castle of a dangerous beast? Your punishment is for trying to do it alone. We are here to be spoken to, not just simply to teach. I have urged Y/N to come to me if anything changes and I extend the same to you, Miss Granger. You are one of my best students and Y/N's close friend. You have as much right as he does.'

Hermione nodded and whispered 'Thanks Professor.'

'Now come, we must fetch Mr Potter before he gets too suspicious.'

McGonagall lead the way back up to the Gryffindor common room. Harry still looked as though he'd been slapped. Hermione still looked distant, however more focused as she held Y/N's hand. McGonagall let them into the common room, watched until they'd all climbed inside, then swept away.

Harry made straight for the boys dormitory without even saying goodnight and vanished upstairs. Y/N however sunk into the sofa. Hermione paused for a fraction of a second, staring at the girls dormitory door.

'If you want to go to bed, then go,' said Y/N. 'I just know I won't sleep yet.' But Hermione shook her head and sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

A Young Wizard's Journey - Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now