A Harsh Reality

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The next morning started much the same way the previous evening had gone. Y/N had headed down into the common room to find Hermione curled up on one of the armchairs. She was staring into the fire and seemed lost to her own thoughts.

Y/N moved over and sat down on the arm of her chair, poking her slightly making her jump.

'You alright Hermione?'

'Y/N! Don't sneak up on me like that!' she gasped, looking up at him. 'Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just annoyed...'

'This still about last night?'

Hermione nodded slowly before launching into conversation.

'I mean, it was so reckless! They could have gotten you in so much trouble! And that's not even counting them trying to drag you off for a duel. Even if you hadn't gotten caught you'd have still had to fight Malfoy and Goyle.'

'Goyle isn't exactly the most threatening of wizards,' said Y/N. 'Sure, he can probably knock me out with a punch, but I doubt he knows which way his wands meant to face. Besides, you were there too! I wasn't the only one at risk of getting caught.'

'Well, yes,' said Hermione, going slightly pink. 'But I made my choice when we were in the common room. You weren't going to stop me coming with you.'

'I wasn't even going to try,' laughed Y/N. 'I really appreciate you having my back like that, Hermione.'

'Of course, it looks more convincing if two of us say the same thing. Especially both of us. The teachers know we wouldn't do it unless we had too. And plus, I'd rather know if something happened to you than finding out the next morning.'

'Don't worry. I'm too good to get caught,' said Y/N whilst he smirked, earning him a smack on the arm from Hermione but then she laughed.

'Just try to be careful in the future please? And no more midnight Wizard Duels. I don't want to watch you get expelled. We're meant to be in this together.'

'We are Hermione don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I promise,' Y/N smiled warmly down at her and watched as she went red and looked away, coughing slightly.

'Anyway,' she said quickly, still not looking at him. 'We'd probably best head down to the Great Hall,' and she got to her feet. She was about halfway towards the portrait hall when Y/N spoke.

'Hermione, you left this,' he had a small leather-bound book in his hand that looked almost like a planner or a...

'Is this your diary?'

'Give it here Y/N.'

'It is, isn't it!?'

'Y/N give it here!'

'Sure, yeah okay.' Y/N walked forward towards Hermione who had her hand held out.

And then broke into a run straight past her towards the portrait hole.



As funny as it had been at the time, Y/N was now questioning whether pranking Hermione had really been a smart move as he sat on one of the beds in the hospital wing, an ice pack pressed against his black eye.

He winced slightly as he moved the ice to a separate area to try and alleviate the stinging.

'You brought it on yourself' said Hermione matter of factly, who was sitting on a chair next to his bed.

'Yeah but I wasn't expecting that! Where did you even learn the tripping jinx?'


'Of course you did.'

A Young Wizard's Journey - Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now