51 | bad ending

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I hated the distance. 

Once, I had loved being away from them because then I didn't have to worry about the emotions I felt and I had believed false lies spun by my shitty father. I was glad when they had left my life. But now? I couldn't stand being so far away from my siblings.

I just wanted to see them. 

I wanted to wrap my arms around both of them and never let go. When I finally got to see them again, I would be terrified to let them go. If there was one thing I had learned in this damned world, you have to hold onto what you love with all your might. 

Even when all seems lost. 

I had paced the entire surface of my cell multiple times. Sometimes, I would lay down and stare at nothing, and then I would pace again. I was tired of my cell and I was tired of waiting for something to happen. 

I had been told that the court would decide my safety during the criminal investigation and I was supposed to be informed the next day. Apparently, there had been a delay in those proceedings. 

It had already grown to be late afternoon. 

I had been close to giving up hope until I heard the jingle of keys. 

I knew it was Officer Layden before he even appeared in front of my cell. I jumped up and came to standstill before him, "Any news?" 

"Yes," He answered, opening the door, "You can say goodbye to this cell for good now."

He was attempting to lighten the mood and I just forced a smile, but I had other things pressing on my mind. "Nice. What about my siblings?" 

Officer Layden didn't respond for a long moment. He gestured for me to follow him and we walked down the hall to one of the interrogation rooms. When the door closed, he turned to me with a heavier expression on his face. I didn't like it. 

"They departed the city about four hours ago." 

"Departed?" I echoed, "What... where have they gone?" 

Without me? 

"It's confidential information and I am only legally allowed to discuss it with your agent and probation officer," He sighed, and then added, "But they're not close."  

"Wait, so did they go back into the system?" 

"No, they have a new legal guardian, and he agreed to be relocated with them." 

He? How would Charly feel? 

Would she be okay without me? 

No, she would be okay. She had Rowan. Rowan would protect her. I felt a twist of emotions that churned within my fragile soul with the force of a thousand hurricanes. I was struggling to suck in air from how hard my heart tried to break out of my chest. 

"You can't do this," I breathed out, the shock taking over and squeezing my throat. My heart felt like a rock within my chest. "Please, they're my family. I can't live without them. Isn't there anything you can do for us?" 

"I am trying," Officer Layden said, "I have been. You kids deserve your happy ending, and I don't want to be chasing any of you on the streets ever again. I will talk to your agent and try to convince her but she was adamant that you be placed elsewhere." 


"You're the one responsible for the gang members," Officer Layden sighed, "Charly and Rowan are minors and her priority is to protect them the most. Not that the program doesn't protect all; but to her, you're a risk for them." 

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