Chapter 27

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~~~~Achlys: 342 years ago

I arrived onto this island of flowers while riding my board.

Flowers ...?

I had never even seen such an extensive field of flowers ... An island with only one tree in the middle. I got down as a butterfly suddenly landed on my nose.

A butterfly ...? What the...

It suddenly flew away.

"Hey wait!" I said following it.

Are you leading me to that tree?

The butterfly finally stopped flying and landed on a stone.

"What is this... " I said taking it in my hands.

My eyes widened as the stone suddenly lit up and runes started flying in the air.

I fell backwards out of surprise blinded completely by a flash.

"Hm, how interesting." Said a calm voice.

Slowly looking up, i found a faceless creature in front of me. I took out my blade in an attampt to scare it away but he seemed unimpressed.

"What are you?!" I asked panicked.

"I return the question mutant."

Mutant? How does he know-

"I know because i can see the Shimmer running through your veins child." He suddenly responded.

What the... Did he just-

"Read my mind?" He completed.

We looked at eachother in silence when the butterfly suddenly landed on my head. The creature slightly chuckled.

"Looks like you've finally arrived Electa." He said.

"What the hell is Electa... And what the hell are you?!"

"My apologies, i am a mage, you can call me Magnus.

I looked at him as i stood back up.

"A mage? I thought those were legends." I said wiping off the dirt off of my pants. "And why are you calling me Electa again?"

"Electa means chosen one."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I have a prophecy for you. A person will arrive in your city... Their arrival wil cause the destruction of this world and all its citizens. Kill them and peace will come back... Let them live and watch every single one of your kind perish."

A person ...

"And why would I believe you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You don't have to but i advise you strongly to do so." He said in the same monotone voice.

I observed her for a minute before responding.

"Fine, let's say i do believe you and this prophecy of yours... How would I know who that was?"

"A black cat with red eyes will appear before you."


"Can I do something to avoid this-"

Flashback interrupted:


Back to present day:

I held Viktor close to me, whispering in his ear as flames danced around us.

"Jinx is the Death of this world..." I said before tearing out the last vial, making his body go limp.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now