Chapter 3

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-"If you're really the secretive Achlys from the letter, why would you have told me your identity straight up?"

-"Hm, I see... your trust Is hard to obtain. I guess you learned the hard way."

She took a step towards me and whispered in my ear.

-"You found me because i wanted you to."

With that said she straightened her back and walked towards the exit, stopping right in front of the opened door.

-"You can ask around town about me but they'll all deny it. You would've never gotten anything out of them because they're petrified of me." She said before walking off.

I ran after her once again but she was too fast. I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway with a hand on my mouth.

-"Stop squirming." She whispered.

I listened as I suddenly saw Enforcers Passing by the alley, arresting people. She let go of me and looked at me for a second.

-"You're not really the stealthy type are you?"

-"Why be stealthy when I can just shoot them all up directly?"

We stared at each other in silence once again.

-"Don't you think about it " she said all of a sudden.

I looked at her confused as she leaned in a few inches from my face and took my hand out of my pocket revealing a gas bomb.

-"I told you that that doesn't work on me Sweet Cheeks." She whispered a few inches from my face making direct eye contact with me.

She took the bomb from my hand and observed it closely.

-"You're quite skilled, I'll admit that and A+ for creativity but I won't let you cause more chaos. Not right now." She asked with a playful smile.

She was going to turn around when I yelled at her to wait.

-"I need you. I want you to fight by my side."

She chuckled as she threw the bomb back at me.

-"Thanks but i prefer watching the Chaos unfold." She said before turning around.

That's when I screamed with all of my might.


She stopped in her tracks at my words.

-"You're powerful and you're wasting your time HIDING cause you don't want them to judge you!"

I watched her as in a blink of an eye she had appeared in front of me with her hand on my neck and my gun against my stomach.

-"If i wanted to, i could overthrow this whole city... But why do it if I'm not even going to have some fun?"

-"I'm fun. Spend time with me and i promise we'll have fun." I responded as she was still choking me.

-"Your quite strange aren't you... How about you listen to your Daddy for once?" She said letting go of me. "Silco is terrified of me because he can't control or trust me, he'd never allow us to work together."

I looked down and clutched my fist.

-"He's dead." I whispered.

Her eyes widened as I tried to hold back the tears.

-"I killed him..."

She watched me in silence for a few seconds...

-"Take me to him."

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now