Chapter 22

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I looked back up at him.

"Do you really think she'll attack...?"

He chuckled at me.

"I don't think. I know. You know too, you're just in denial."

I'm in denial...?

"Achlys isn't your lover anymore Jinx."

His words resonated in my head.

No... No. No!


I walked over to her holding her face with both of my hands. Our faces a few inches from each other...

End of Flashback:

If she considered me an enemy only and not her lover... Why was she so gentle? Why did she allow me this intimate moment...?

"You're lying... She still loves me. She wouldn't hurt me." I said looking back up at him confident.

He sighed.

"You're underestimating her. I'm not scared for you but everyone else. She has killed thousand of people by now! She is not the Achlys we knew!"

I looked at him before walking away.

"JINX! Consider her an enemy if you want humanity to survive!" He yelled as i ran away.

I climbed the tallest building and sat down. The wind blowing my hair gently reminiscing me of my favourite memories of us.


"Why do you love jumping off buildings so much?" I asked her as her hands were on my hips.

She gently kissed me.

"The adrenaline, the wind, the speed... It's all a reminder that life could kill me anytime if i wasn't immortal." She whispered with a smile.

"It reminds you of Death and you like it?" I asked chuckling.

"Hey don't laugh at me!" She said kissing my face all over.

After a bit she looked at me seriously.

"I like it cause the closer i am to death, the closer i feel to being a mortal again."

She doesn't want to see everyone age ...

I looked at her with a saddened look and caressed her cheek.

"I love you jinx, i always will. You will always be my one and only."

"My forever and always..." I whispered before kissing her.

She chuckled after the kiss and caressed my hair out of my face.

"Forever and always..."

End of flashback:

I finally made the connection between these two memories.

Achlys used to associate free falling with mortality... Normality. When she lost us, i guess it turned into an association with us.

"Why must people always stand in the way of our love...?" I whispered to myself with only witness the wind blowing my words to greater horizons.

"Hm... I don't know, people love to be in our business."

My eyes widened at the voice behind me.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now