Chapter 20: ROSEY

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I yawn, stretching my arms as far as this cage allowed me.

Blinking away the sleep in my eyes, I scan the room. On a search to find Master.

I knew by the look he gave me that he was upset with me, or either the fact that there was a vampire near me last night.

But it didn't help the case when at that very moment he seemed restrained and in a battle with himself.

He looked dangerous and unsure of what he might do.

That nearly forced panicked tears and fear. Utter horror at the fact that a man I knew was always so collected and sure of himself to be on the verge of lashing out.

It was that fact that caused the fear of the unknown.

But the behavior only increased when a name was mentioned. Ronel. Rachel. Or was it something else?

I'm not sure, but I made a note that I should never mention her name in his presence. Not if I wished to die that is.

And not only that but the entire night I didn't sleep too well, my brain awaiting a fanged monster to attack me, or Master just suddenly appearing and probably ripping me out of my cage because he needed blood.

For a vampire that only feeds twice a day, it isn't good to skip a feeding session when it was near the time to feed.

I'm unsure if it's the worry that clawed at the fact that he might thirst himself or the worry that I might get hurt in the process.

Either way, it nerved me.

And then the collar, the thing burning and sizzling at my flesh for the whole night. It's already exhausting me.

Paining me to the point that sleep seemed impossible. I guess it was the exhaustion that finally won the upper hand.

I need a shower, even if it means along with the collar.

I feel messy and sticky, and along with these overwhelming thoughts wasn't helping my case.

I hoist myself up to my knees and easily push the cage door open, hearing the hinges shrieking in protest.

This cage must be really old or never had been used before.

It didn't seem old.

I crawl out of the cage, urgently scanning the area to double-check that there wasn't anyone in here.

There wasn't.

Relief floods my senses, as I raise to my feet and walked silently on my feet to my closet.

Today is the Blood Donation, so I should wear something appropriate and warm.

Spring may be near, but winter has no mercy when it knows it's its last few days here.

I grab a pair of jeans, boots, a warm shirt, and a jumper.

It seemed warm enough to wear it on a day like this. And if it's not, then I'll just grab a jacket.

I nod to myself in agreement.

I trot on my tip-toes to the bathroom and tossed my clothes aside, securing the lock before running the water.

I quickly strip, as another tingle of fear set in.

I did not know whether Master was on his way now, or still far away.

I prefer the latter, but I still wish myself fully dressed if he does need an urgent feed.

The only prideful thing I truly had left was that I'm still alive and 100% surviving.

The non-so prideful thing was that I was becoming a human--my wolf dying and my heart hurting.

But I guess all pets feel the same way.

And I'm not allowing any vampire to strip me from it because he just had to feed.

No, certainly not.


I pop another savoring berry into my mouth, my teeth crushing it and bursting the skin to grant me the luxurious flavory taste of a blueberry.

I shut my eyes for a moment to relieve the ache of minimum sleep and to appreciate nature for giving us such delicious fruits.

I bring my mug to my lips and sip on the drink, another explosion of flavor watering my taste buds.

I had no idea what kind of drink this was, but it was extremely delicious.

However, as I ate my breakfast, I'm still wondering who had called the slaves to bring me this breakfast.

I know Master too well to know he wasn't this thoughtful about my diet and that he barely gives me anything this delicious and savory.

Mostly it's either too many sweet things, tea, or soup that he has to offer.

I'm never in the mood for sweet things, so soup was always a pick.

He did get me a few organic foods during my stay here, but that probably only happens once a month and I do remember eating berries yesterday.

Master would never order another organic meal the very next day. That isn't like him.

But it would've been nice if it was like him.

I sigh, propping another berry into my mouth.

Maybe while waiting for him I could go on with my experiment of colors.

It sounds good.

I stand up from the couch and walk over to the windowsill, quickly snatching the necessary things that I need to continue.

I place my equipment on my desk and rush back to grab the bowl of berries and the savory drink, along with organic sandwiches.

I'll be eating while sketching, it always helps to concentrate.

Sitting down on the chair, I wiggle around to find comfort and when I did, I flipped my pad open and grabbed a blue-colored pencil.

I was still busy with the eyes.


Here is another short update.

I can promise you when I've written all my tests that the updates would become longer.

For now, bear with me❤❤

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Thank you again to those who stick with me❤❤❤❤ I love you all to bits❤❤❤❤❤

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