Chapter 5: ROSEY

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After Master talked with the crew, explaining that the man was contracting from Wolftoxin, they took him away and said they'll be questioning them in the dungeons.

It was very clear to me that Master was irritated about this whole thing and the thing was, there was a small understanding I felt towards him.

I also would've been irritated if I was planning on finishing the paper work and then rest.

He doesn't get enough sleep, which, sometimes, makes me concern.

Exhausted Vampires tend to take much more blood than they usually do.

Or that was what I thought, till his fangs cracked past the layer of flesh and waited a second for the blood to flow.

His purr started up again the moment he took small sips, well aware he was feeding from me with the collar.

I exhale a wavered breath and attempted to relax my shoulders while the same pain toyed with my sour flesh, waiting to make it more painful if he moves.

He hugs me closer to his chest, the soft purr he got going, tingling my ears as I tried listening to it to block out the pounding pain.

The purring never really occurred if he wasn't willing enough to let it be.

It was rare occasions that he purred when feeding, but the times I was collared he allowed it to come through, realizing after the one slip up that it relaxed me.

I sigh again, leaning fully against his chest.

Since I restored all my strength through a night's sleep, unconsciousness didn't tempt me as quick like it always did, but now I could feel that it took my body a while to realize I'm losing blood.

I still felt fine, in all honesty, just I bit tensed.

I hiss, pursing my lips in the process when his fangs slowly retracted from my wrist, his icy breath needling against my wounds.

He licks it and slowly brought my hand down.

"Soup or lava cake?" he asks, still careful if I'll fall as I moved back to retrieve to the windowsill.

"Soup, please," I reply, tossing my covers aside and slipping beneath it.

I tuck them beneath my chin and stare out through the window, down at the villagers again.

I've only been there a few times and it was blissful to say the least.

The chattering, the music, the interactions, the village....the people.

The village wasn't small, but the size of this Castle.

"Yeah..." he answered the chief through the call, "Also some ice tea... Mm... Very well, have a nice day."

Maybe if Master wishes to go to the village again, he'd take me with him.

I could look at each shop, see what they had to offer and then move on to the next one.

Maybe go to a real pet shop and pet the pets there. Hear what noises they make when I do.

At my old pack there wasn't much animals kept there, but only animals that produced us food.

Not really animals to pet.

However, I could remember a lady there that had four to five kittens wandering in her home and in her yard.

She was old and didn't do much in the pack, so it was understandable to all the pack members that she just wanted animals around her for her last moments.

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