Chapter 7: ROSEY

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I stroll down to the next mart, an excitement exploding in my chest that caused me to feel giddy.

I haven't felt like this for so long, that the excitement overwhelmed me entirely at first, still do as I picked up a pretty bracelet.

I examine it and couldn't help the smile that curled my lips as I examine the details crafted into the small jewellery.

It glistened in such a way that I thought for a second that the small stones crafted in it, was diamonds or crystals.

However, I don't believe someone who ran a mart could afford to make these expensive jewellery. Except, if the owner is rich.

I glance at him.

Nope. This is fake.

I carefully put it back and straightened my back, offering the owner a sweet brisk smile before turning to the next mart.

My eyes have their own mind as they roamed across the place.

There isn't words I could describe for this annihilation that shattered every hopeful dream to be freed someday and roam the lands like them.

It broke something in me to know that I'll never fit in with them. Even if I'll be freed someday, there is just this pestering voice that tells me that even if I was, the world won't accept me.

Something of me seeing too much of death and that it did something to me.

Exhaust me? Devastate me? It did, but the people said it wasn't that, but something else. Something to do with my eyes when they look at them.

The first time I heard it, I was stupidly scared and...ashamed.

I'm not proud of being a pet, but I'm also scared that if I'm free and trying to forget my life as a pet, they'll point me out and make sure I don't forget about my life as a pet once.

But, I've realized that the worry of the thought was only a fantasy. A fantasy of a dream that will never become true, only if I'm dead.

And I'm not ready to die. Not yet.

I gaze down at a fluffed toy and an overwhelming grief tored me apart.

That's Jimmy's teddy bear.

I shakily reached out to it and cupped the bear below it's arms and brang it close.

My eyes started to sting when images of my little brother was hugging the bear and posing for the camera.

It was hard to breathe at this point.

I turn the bear around and choked on my exhale of relief.

I could remember when I bought a bear for my brother for his birthday, there was this small burned spot that was near the bear's fluffy tail.

The owner kept apologizing, explaining that his daughter accidentally burnt it.

I just turned down his apology and said I'll take it. He was surprised, but didn't protest since it's an income.

I put the bear back with wobbly hands and kept them close to my side to prevent the shaking.

I sniffle and giggled to myself, moving forward to check out another mart.

I can't get emotional about things that isn't true. Before that happens, I need to see if what I think is true, is true.

How weak of me to weep about something that I thought was true.

I shake my head at myself.

I'm not as strong as I thought I was and the mere thought of that, made my chest clench at the truth.

Poisoned RoseyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ