Chapter 9 - Camden

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A/N: I know, i know, I know, this chapter is like 4 1/2 weeks overdue. In my defense.... well I have no defense. I just hit a massive writer's block that fucked me seven ways to Sunday and then some. I also have so much shit I have to do for work and grad school apps that I am losing my fucking mind. But don't worry, I am going to take my frustration out by writing this story.

Also, there is some explicit content here...? I think...? Idk fam it's not really THAT explicit (really just some good ole pining) but if you're twelve don't read this shit ffs

Also if there are any mistakes, just comment and let me know bc I wrote this shit on my phone.

So yea, sorry I'm late, here is the mf chapter, fam.


Camden wasn't sure if he wanted to pin his mate to the couch and devour every tantalizing sound he could draw from her lips or if he wanted her to the same to him.

Throughout the entire afternoon - during lunch prep, eating lunch, and cleaning up after it - his mind was running a consistent replay of the way Aria had pulled him close and stolen his breath with a simple kiss. He could already tell that she was equally strong, confident, and thoughtful. The way she wasn't afraid to make her attraction to him known sent him reeling as it physically pained him to hold back from acting on his growing desire. The wolfish side of him was practically salivating at Aria's scent and howling for him to take her to bed and not let her rest until he'd made her orgasm as many times as the years they'd not known each other. Camden's need for Aria was a bottomless pit of hunger that was constantly baring it's teeth.

"Hey, Cam, are you okay? You kind of look like you're in pain," Aria's smooth voice came from the right of him.

I'll be in pain from blue fucking balls if you shorten my name like that again.

"Yea, just some digestive problems".

Aria hummed in response as she slipped her hand into Camden's, lacing their fingers together and giving it a squeeze that brushed an erotic heat through the Alpha's body as if he were a canvas resting before a masterful painter.

He cleared his throat and tried to offer a smile like Jude had taught him, but had no idea if the "smile-that-can-drop-panties," as Jude had put it, was any good.

"So," he started. "I was thinking that we could tour the pack lands a little bit, maybe meet some people or something. Maybe even go for a run—"

"Oh, fuck yes."

Camden could feel his eyebrows raise at the abrasive language of his mate, but deep down, couldn't help the slight attraction he felt towards the forward was of his mate. He allowed a small laugh to fall from his lips and shook his head as he gave Aria's hand a soft squeeze.

"Careful there," he commented in a joking manner, not serious about the warning in the slightest. "If a kid was nearby, you'd get in trouble for language."

Aria laughed as well. Camden felt warmth pool in the bottom of his gut at the feeling of being able to make his mate laugh. However, his smile quickly dropped and he couldn't help but gulp as he felt Aria softly push him against the wall with a single hand on his chest. Her warm breath blew against his ear and he had to dig one of his claws into the wall to keep himself grounded. The smell of pinewood and nature drifted into his senses and he could help but allow one hand to slide up to hold Aria's waist as she leaned against him.

"Oh, really?" The question came with Aria's lips brushing against Camden's ear in a way that send a wave of pleasure crashing through the Alpha all the way to his core. "And are you going to punish me for being bad?"

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