Chapter Twenty-Two

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When Cindy imagined going to the island, she imagined being in a pile of snow or being thrown into the lake. She stood in an untouched room that seemed like a gift as she threw herself on the large bed. The lights weren't on, but she stared up at the white ceiling, her body sprawled out.

Comfort and warmth flowed in the room, making her smile. It was warm, and there were clean sheets as she rolled herself over on the bed. Sitting up, she had to realize the main purpose of being here. She glanced into the grey bathroom that had water. It was actual water that would be hot and leave her clean.

Cindy shut the bathroom door, and she switched the lights on. The lights reflected how dirty and scarred her skin appeared. She hopped into the shower and felt the hot water on her skin. How did feeling clean become amazing? Her skin was dirty with dirt, blood, and scars that wouldn't go away even if she tried.

She stepped out, turned off the shower, and wrapped a soft towel around her. Looking through drawers, she grabbed a brush and dragged it through her knotty hair.

Everyone has become so thin from starvation that they are unconcerned about their appearance. She took a toothbrush to brush her teeth with toothpaste. Brushing her teeth hurt; her gums were sensitive and bloody.

She grabbed a purple robe that hung on the back of the door and dressed herself. Grabbing her chunk of clothes, she threw them all on the bed. Well, someone will eventually notice that she's here. She bopped downstairs, stood in a large kitchen, and rummaged through the cupboard. There was food and more food that made her eyes watery.

She could bring some food back for herself to eat. Yes, that's an idea, but it's a lot of work. She took a box of Cheerios and ate them out of the box, behind the island. All of this felt amazing, like a fever dream.

"So good," she said, wiping tears away. It wasn't something canned that wouldn't leave them full.

Looking around the large kitchen, she spotted some sunglasses on a windowsill. Stumbling over with her box, she took them and put them on. Cindy felt like a movie star herself, flashing the glory of luxury around her. It was so quiet that she wondered if everyone had been sleeping.

She stared out into the darkness, walking to the sliding door. People in Simcoe are suffering to survive, while Greyson and Scarlett are living in luxury here. Is that what they call irony? She didn't want to do the work and just came here for heat and food.

Putting the box of Cheerios down, her stomach cramped. She turned on her heel, meeting eyes with Preston.

"I don't remember you coming on the dream vacation," he said, biting into a peanut butter cookie.

"I don't recall needing an invitation," Cindy grumbled.

"Are you on some secret mission? Greyson doesn't have some secret plan in the works, if you're trying to gather that. Wait, do you know who stopped this storm? I'm not complaining because it totally sucked," he asked.

"Think it's some freak," Cindy said as she sat down on one of the high stools. "I mainly came to get some luxury."

Preston nodded but scanned his eyes over her body. "You're cute," he said, taking a drink of tap water. "If you want to talk to Greyson or Scarlett, I'd wait."

Tumbles came walking into the kitchen instead of falling. "Wait, did you come on vacation?" she asked, blinking multiple times.

"Just bopping around," she breathed out. Seeing the extent to which they were living over all of them back in Simcoe was insane.

"Oh, do you want food?" Tumbles exclaimed.

Cindy held up her box of cereal. "Got it."

There were no worries here about the illness or even about Luke being a follower. Anger filled her system, but she bit it down. Taking some Cheerios, she watched as Greyson first came into the kitchen and stopped.

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