Chapter Sixteen

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They raced after the figure in the field, hoping it was Ashley. Jade knew that it could be used to stop this storm. She drove over a large snow pile, seeing something in that field. They stood still as she had that urge to speed up. With a loud thud, she stopped the CRV. They piled out quickly, seeing that purple substance melting the snow.

"She should be around here, since this is where it happened," Jason implied.

It could be quite possible that something had been standing or hiding around in the dark. Jason had his hands out, glowing light through his gloves. They climbed back in and drove through the field. Looping around the whole power plant, there was another figment.

"Is it her?" James called as the ride had been bumpy. Getting closer, Ashley appeared as Jade slammed the car into her hard.

The blizzard stopped for a moment before returning. "Knew it," James mumbled as they got out.

Ashley lay unconscious with most of her hair still gone. It didn't even look like the snow or temperature affected her, judging by the way she wasn't wearing a coat.

"Should I just punch her?" James asked.

"Yes," Jason answered, as James' body enhanced in muscles and even height. He drew an arm back and punched her.

Ashley's eyes then flew open, looking up at them. Seeing her face with a devious grin looked strange. "Are you all enjoying this snow?" she sneered.

Jason put his hands behind his back to prevent her from thinking he was ready to burn her. "Yes, amazing," he said dryly, to which she laughed. He shot out that beaming light as Jade planted Ashley in place.

Ashley screamed while her body burned as she gritted her teeth in fury. Teagan and some other boy came charging at them, pushing Jason out of the three of them. Their faces were twisted in a sneer while Teagan eyed her. Jade watched Ashley's burning body; she had fury in her eyes. Even when the snow touched her body, she never burned away.

Jade stuck out her palm, which sent ice wrapping around Ashley's neck. When she tugged at it, she grew concerned with each pull.

"Idiotic humans," Ashley spat, glaring at them. They all watched her melt away through the snow into the ground. Teagan and that boy both disappeared, popping like balloons.

"That didn't go well," Jason groaned while standing. All three of them went back to the CRV, looking around in the snowy air.

"What's next? Do we just try and find her again?" James asked, plopping down in his seat.

"We could try another thing since we're out of town," Jason started.

"We aren't going to the beach to play volleyball," Jade said.

"Let's go to Paradise Hotel," Jason said.

"Why Paradise? Isn't it just some random hotel?" James asked, Jason nodded, looking at his gloves that had been burned.

"And to get you gloves," Jade remarked.

"What will we do after that?" James asked, who seemed to have his own answer in mind.

"Are there any other places outside of town?" Jason asked, staring at the two of them.

"Jason, we barely knew how to get to the power plant," Jade said dryly. He tossed his burned gloves on the dashboard.

"Isn't there a trailer park?" Jason seemed to question himself over them.

"Isn't it called Sunny's?" James questioned Jade as she started veering her way down what had been considered the road.

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