Chapter Seven

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All of this has become much more dramatic. Scarlett knew Jason would show up at some point, but adding more to the mix? All it felt like was a schoolyard fight where everyone took sides.

"Crack," James said as Greyson threw something at Jason.

This is how the majority of getting hydro has been processing. Scarlett now held the flashlight, directing it at the water. It still flowed around, with ice slightly forming due to the cold temperatures.

"Will we actually get our hydro back?" Scarlett asked, standing near James, who stared at her, then back at the water.

"I don't know," he whispered.

Scarlett pointed her flashlight at Bella, who stared at the feared outcome. Did she expect it would be easy to drag Jason back? Nevaeh came walking toward her as she cocked her head, wearing her smirk.

"This was the mission?" Nevaeh inquired.

Scarlett pointed the flashlight down at the cracking ice. "It's better than huddling in the cold," she said.

"Are you going to stop them?" Scarlett knew who Nevaeh was referring to.

"Eventually, one of them will make a comment," Scarlett said, pointing the light at Greyson. He had sour lips as Scarlett arched an eyebrow. "Jason, if you're trying to make negotiations, it won't work. The Dauntless Leader doesn't want you to intrude on his plans."

"Crack," James said.

Greyson sped toward them, but Jason held out his hands and fired directly at him, except it didn't hit him.

"You burned the wall!" Esme exclaimed, toying with Luke.

There had indeed been a hole in the wall that flashed part of the violent storm outside. Jason had a hand on his face while Greyson dismissed what he had done.

"We have to fix it!" Bella freaked from the top of the staircase.

"Well, I don't see the hardware store around here," Scarlett said.

"Jason can fix the hole he caused," Greyson spat as Scarlett flashed the light down at the cracking ice.

"It has to discreetly crack," James stated.

"And if it doesn't?" Greyson asked.

"We won't have any hydro at all," James said, looking up.

Scarlett felt her own heart race. No hydro? That meant no hot showers or heat to help them with the cold.

"Wait, no hydro?" Jason asked, walking toward them, but he got thrown back by Greyson. Scarlett watched Jason wobble, almost falling due to his boots and wounds.

"Stop rushing around, you Speed Demon!" Luke yelled as the two bolted out of the room.

"Can't it go quicker?" Greyson spat impatiently, hands on his hips.

"If we speed up the process, the building will crash," James implied.

"Only large construction machinery could destroy it," Greyson said, but James shook his head.

"All of this could flood and bust," James said.

"Well, we're going to quicken the process," Greyson stated.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes at Greyson. "So, you want us all to blow up?" she asked.

"Is there a way to lessen the impact, James?" Greyson asked.

"You'd have to carefully hit it with the pipe," James explained.

Greyson inwardly smiled, holding out his palm to raise the pipe. It hovered over the ice as he slowly lowered it, making a crack. Scarlett swiftly walked upstairs to see the highlighter boy. He still glowed while staring around, confused. She held a hand to his cheek as he jumped back. Despite him being quick, it had been a Low rank. It doesn't do much other than shine like a light.

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