Chapter 26: A Smashed Cage, Trying Something Awful, and Cooking.

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I wake up to find myself face to face with Reilzi, who is dripping saliva all over my face. I curse, scrambling up into a sitting position. 

The Jias' tail wags as he barrels into my chest, rubbing affectionately. 

"Now how did you get out?" I ask as I stroke his head, frowning. The Jias chirps excitedly, running in a circle. 

"Aah, you're hungry, aren't you?" I ask him and he grins wider, nudging my chest. "Okay, okay." I chuckle as I stand and dress, my pet zipping around my legs as I do so. 

"Not such a beast now, are you?" I mumble as we walk out of my room. When we enter the family room, my eyes zone in on the smashed cage I left my pet in for the night. 

"Reilzi!" I growl, and the Jias droops, shaking. I grab his scruff and drag him over to the cage. "No! Bad boy! Bad!" I hiss, pointing at the completely destroyed thing. 

Reilzi whimpers and I sigh. 

"He's just a pup, Gui. I hope you remember that." Ipp says from behind me and I glance at him. Holding the human tightly in his grip, he eyes the wrecked cage before shrugging. 

"He has a family now...he's not going to want to sleep or wake up all on his own. He probably was scared to find none of us around." He cautions, and I sigh deeply. 

I crouch in front of the shaking Jias, and he looks up with distraught eyes. 

"Okay, okay. I guess we both learned our lessons." I mutter and he crashes into me, licking all over and that tail wagging again. 


I eye Snake-boy as his giant/owner (from what I can tell), gently drags him in a separate room, my own owner watching with a grim face. 

He looks down at me and smiles, ruffling my head and hair whilst grumbling something. 

He walks into the kitchen and sets me gently on the counter...I stare at him surprised that he would do such a thing. 

He makes a very familiar sound, clicking three times. I widen my eyes. Three clicks to stop. Two to say I can move. 

How long ago was experience(?)? 

I shake my head and sit down, criss crossing. My owner rumbles happily, petting my head. 

I watch as he gets ingredients from the fridge, and several cabinets. I can't tell what any of the food is...all weird and colorful and...some even smell like nothing I've ever smelled before. 

He pulls out one such object, around the size of a large onion, but it looks smooth. It is colored a mixture of oranges, all types of shades. 

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