Chapter 15: Freak Out

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Hello everybody! I cannot believe this story has reached over 600 reads! It has totally surprised me! This wasn't meant to get that far is since I am not the best writer in the world, but what a thrill it is! Please continue to enjoy my book, and feel free to comment whenever. For more updates, for ideas to the story, what I could do better possibly (in a good way, no hate please), and so forth! Again, thanks so much!

- Mya Kennedy Morris

Lyon (Yes, it will be Lyon from now on)

I wake up being carried in strong steady arms, but manage to keep myself calm as I realize they belong to my owner's.

Him, I can probably deal with...for a short amount of time.

Anyone else? I shudder at the reminder of the creepy centipede figures from before who repeatedly pinned me to the ground.

My owner makes a clicking sound and pets my head with his other hand as he cups me to his muscled chest, walking to the...front door?

I widen my eyes when I notice the items sitting at the front door. The carrier I arrived in. And by it, a much larger, crate-like cage. Hanging on a key holder are a few pieces of pet accessories I can only guess are for me. A leash, and a harness. Great.

My heart nearly bursts with fear when my owner bends over to the large crate, much like a dog cage. He opens the door, and slides me in. Luckily the bottom is lined with blankets and furs, not unlike the nests from wherever I was before this home.

Deciding to just accept my fate, I settle down in the nest, watching my owner click it shut and move around the front room for a bit, grabbing some things and dressing in a jacket.

His friend shows up with a plate of food and hands it to him, and they exchange those grumblings, which I assume are their words.

When they finish, my owner turns around, picks up my large cage, in which has a handle at the top, and pushes the door open.

Hello, unfriendly alien world. Here I come.


I place the cage in the back where the seats are already down, and place a large blanket over it so not to upset my boy during the drive.

I'm surprised at how well he accepted the cage, though. I need to talk to the vet about that as well.

After Lyon fell asleep last night, Thresha told us to get him regular vet check-ups, especially with how new he is. She also mentioned using different carriers for different things might help.

For instance, the cage my Lyon is placed in is the cage he'll use when going to the vets. The carrier he was brought home in is for social outings and shopping events.

Once he recognizes the difference, he won't be freaked out every time we go somewhere...for if I used the carrier for him 24/7, he would not know is he was going to the vet or not, and that is too stressful for a little human such as himself.

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