Chapter 5

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Reagan runs to the side of the kitchen wall and hides over there.

She has perfect leverage, if someone does appear she will be able to see them but they won't be able to see her.

Footsteps approach and the pace is super slow, almost like they know someone is 25 ft away.

Reagan notices a door down the hall that is clearly an exit.

She tip toes to it and busts out of there.

What the heck...that was too close

She walks around with her hands on her head.

Suddenly she stops and freezes.

Oh crap I forgot my stuff in there!! All they have to do is look in my wallet and boom there goes my identity ...

She walks back over to the door she exited from and talks to herself about a plan.

Ok so I'll just have to go back in there and now that I know there's an exit from the kitchen I could be back out here like the flash. Yes I got this.

She still paces back and forth.

Yea I'll have to be super quiet and I'll just grab my stuff and leave yea I'll go back to that village and ask that old man where the hotels are yea that sounds good.

As she finally stops pacing, she notices a figure in the glass part of the door.

Oh crap someone is about to come out

The figure gets closer and closer, Reagan backs away.

There is literally nowhere for me to run.

Finally the figure is right in-front of the door and

Reagan is on the other side of it, waiting for them to open the door.

Oh come on open it already

The door knob turns and the door creaks open. Reagan sees who it is and she can't believe her eyes.

Wow now that's something I didn't expect

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