Chapter 21

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Aria tried not to wince as she followed Draco up the sloping path from Hogsmeade on their way back to Hogwarts.

She was forced to stop when they reached the bottom of the stairs that led up to the castle, however, because as soon as she took the first step, she ended up letting out a sharp hiss of pain and had to grasp onto Draco's arm for support.


"I don't think that's a good idea." Draco said wryly as he took her by the arm and helped her climb up. "In fact, if you recall, I think that's what got you into this predicament in the first place."

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"Would you like me to sweep you off your feet and carry you?"

"I can walk, you smarmy git!"

Draco looked amused at her reaction but he didn't say anything else as they climbed up the rest of the way in silence. After taking a couple more steps, Aria couldn't help but notice the strange, wolfish way he kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye. Annoyed, she gave him an irritated glare.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She snapped.

"Don't judge me. But is it weird that I'm incredibly turned on from watching you limp like that right now?" Draco purred, his gaze sweeping up and down her body in an unabashedly lecherous way.

Aria leveled him with an unimpressed look and shoved him away as soon as they reached the top of the stairs.

"Really? What are you, a caveman?"

Draco just smirked at her as they pushed past the school's entrance and began making their way back to the dungeons. As they were walking past the open courtyard in between the east and west wing, Aria squeaked when she suddenly found herself unceremoniously shoved up against the wall in the middle of the corridor.

"Draco!" She blurted out, her eyes wide as she glanced over his shoulder at a small group of blushing first year students who were staring awkwardly at them as they passed. "What are you doing? We're in the middle of the hallway! Everyone can see us!"

To her dismay, Draco ignored her and leaned down to nuzzle her chest.

"I can't believe you've been hiding these from me all this time." He murmured in a suggestive voice. "It's a shame to keep them covered up like this."

"Get off, you pervert!"

In spite of herself, Aria couldn't help laughing at his antics. She squirmed against him and swatted lightly at his blond head. "Seriously, have you no shame? There are first year students staring at us!" She pointed out.

"So? We can give them an anatomy lesson then." Draco retorted, his voice slightly muffled as his face was still buried against her chest. "Besides, they should thank us for it. There isn't any sex education here at Hogwarts after all, so they'd be learning a lot from watching us."

Somehow, in the middle of her protests and helpless giggles, Aria finally managed to shove him away, but not before Draco retaliated by growling and blowing a raspberry into the crease between her neck and shoulder.


They were both laughing when Aria practically ran away from him, scurrying down the corridor before he could try anything else. She had already gotten a good couple of meters ahead of him when her eyes suddenly widened in alarm and she froze in her tracks, hastily squeezing her legs together underneath her skirt. Grumbling, she made a face as she looked up and glanced around, looking for the nearest bathroom. Fortunately, there was one nearby, and before Draco could say anything, she shoved past him and rushed toward it without another word.

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