Chapter 10

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Draco struggled to keep a stoic expression on his face as another unfamiliar owl deposited a letter onto his lap during breakfast that morning.

Dear Draco,

It's nice to hear from you so soon.

I'm happy that you seem to be enjoying your classes and quidditch training this year despite how hectic your schedule is. I'm in the middle of a busy school year myself, so I understand how grueling all those assignments can be on top of everything else.

Unfortunately, I'll have to decline your invitation to visit Hogwarts as I'll be busy during the next few weeks. Though I might have some time during Yule, so I may be able to meet you in Hogsmeade. Would that be okay with you?

Write me again soon.



Ignoring the way Blaise, Pansy and the rest of his housemates beside him were none-too-discreetly trying to peer over his shoulder at the letter, Draco took a quill and parchment out of his bag and wrote out his response.

Dear That-Nameless Girl,

You never actually mentioned that you were also studying this year. Since you obviously don't go to Hogwarts, can I assume you go to Beauxbatons? Or perhaps Durmstrang? Or maybe even Ilvermorny, if you're from America? I swear I'm not stalking you. Or maybe I am. I'm just trying to find out more about you.

I would love it if I could meet you in Hogsmeade during the holidays. Maybe this time, I can buy you dinner and treat you to drinks from a much nicer tavern. Is there anywhere in particular you want to go? Speaking of Hogsmeade, what chocolates do you like? I'll be going there this week, I'll send you some.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.



The unexpected news of being able to see his dream girl again definitely lifted his spirits.

Despite the fact that Blaise continued to ignore his persistent queries all week about what exactly he knew of Potter's strange behavior this year, Draco still found himself in a pretty good mood for the rest of that morning.

It was only much later in the afternoon, when a scowling, whiny Pansy had joined him on the way to their first elective class, did his mood instantly dissipate.

"Remind me again why we're taking this ridiculous class."

Pansy's loud, obnoxious voice grated on his nerves as he grit his teeth and reluctantly followed her into the small classroom at the end of the east wing hallway.

"Because you wanted to share a class with me and the only other elective left amenable to both our schedules was Advance Muggle Studies." Draco answered flatly, ignoring the way Pansy continued to grumble under her breath as he deposited his bag onto one of the empty seats near the back of the classroom.

Fortunately, apart from a few Hufflepuffs dozing in the opposite corner, the rest of their classmates hadn't arrived yet so Draco allowed himself a momentary reprieve as he slumped down into his seat and covered his head with his hands in the hope of drowning Pansy's voice out.

"But seriously, can you believe how stupid Longbottom looked during History of Magic? It's like the git has never heard of using a bloody comb for that rat's nest of his. Not to mention his robes, I mean—who wears robes that disheveled?! He's a disgrace to all the children of the Sacred Twenty-Eight—"

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