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*five years later*

**Yelena POV**

TRACKING THE LITTLE BEASTS THROUGH THE CASTLE WASN'T DIFFICULT. They weren't particularly quiet, making it exceptionally easy. While Jon was busy speaking with the Hand, Sansa, Yelena Stark was busy chasing a thief through Winterfell. Ghost and Lishay were no help, lazing about and seeming entirely uninterested in catching the target. She quickly descended the steps to the crypt, following the noise. She stopped by the statue of Lyanna Stark, hearing it again. She crept up quietly, and both of them burst out, running desperately for the exit. Not a chance, She thought, rushing forwards. She lunged, reaching out and finally catching them. "Got you!" a grin split her face at the stream of giggles and squeals that followed as the twins squirmed against her grasp. "Come on. Give it here." with a sigh, Robb finally handed over the face that he'd stolen from Arya's room. She rolled her eyes a bit. "She really needs to keep these out of reach."

"Sorry about that." the other woman stepped from the shadows, making Yelena smile a bit as she handed over the face. "Have fun getting those two ready."

The queen laughed as Arya strode off again, offering her children her hands as she stood. "Ly-yanna." the little girl sounded out, pointing to the statue.

Yelena smiled. "That's right. Very good, Myrcella. Come along now, pups." with each of her children holding one hand, she headed up into the light of the courtyard where preparations for tonight's feast were coming along, everyone bustling about.

"Your Grace," a boy from the kitchens came running up. "I'm so sorry, but we've missed something in our accounting. It seems an entire course is missing."

She looked around, letting out a sharp whistle, and Lishay and Ghost came running over, both of them about the size of horses, though Lishay was a bit bigger. "Up you go." She lifted Myrcella onto Ghost's back and Robb onto Lishay's. "Find Jon." she told them, and the wolves loped off, the children giggling as they held on tight. She turned to give the kitchen boy a soft smile. "What's your name?"

"Peter, Your Grace."

"Don't worry Peter, we'll get it sorted. Would you mind showing me?"

"Of course." With a little bow he led her off to one of the kitchen storage rooms where it seemed that something on the list was indeed missing. She figured out what was wrong quickly.

"We took out this course and replaced it with mutton and duck for the Dothraki. We didn't know she was bringing some of them before." dealing with the stores was much easier now than it had been for thousands of years. It seemed that when the Night King was vanquished neary six years ago, the long winter had dissipated with it, leaving Westeros in regular annual seasons again, something no one living had witnessed. Children grew up without fearing the Long Night, and everyone lived and died in the sun's light each day, even through the five to six months of winter.

The poor lad Peter, however, was nearly tripping over himself trying to apologise. "I'm so sorry, Your Grace. I never meant to bother you for something so trivial, I-"

She stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Please don't worry. I'm more than happy to help." He gave a nervous smile, seeming to relax as he nodded. "Go on then. Back to work." with another nod and bow, he scrambled off, and Yelena headed back out to find her husband and children. She found him in Myrcella's room, tangling himself up in the bow on her dress while she waited patiently and Robb rolled about on the bed laughing at him.

A little laugh escaped the queen's lips, making Jon look up at her. "Maybe I should have come to find you."

She snorted. "Maybe?" he glared at her, and she chuckled, quickly untangling the ribbon from his arms and tying a neat bow on her daughter's dress. For a girl who hated ribbons and bows growing up, she'd gotten good at them on Myrcella's outfits, for the little one seemed to love them. She stood, scooping up the still-giggling Robb from the bed and setting him against her hip. "Now, this time your father doesn't have to worry about any silk or bows or any of that. You think he can do it?" An adorable smile fell on his lips as he nodded. Yelena grinned. "Good. Here you go." She passed the boy off to Jon before heading for the door. "I'm going to get ready. You take care of Robb. make sure Ghost stays with Myrcella. I don't want her getting into any more trouble before our guests arrive." she made a squinty face at the little girl, making her erupt into a fit of laughter before heading off to get changed herself. Jon watched after her in amazement. He'd never had a mother, and so Yelena's love for their children touched his heart in a way nothing else ever had.

In the room she shared with Jon, she slid into a beautiful black dress that buttoned down the front with bronze flower imprints which glittered softly in the light. The midsection was corset belted and there was a large hood surrounded by thick fur that settled nicely around her shoulders when she left it down. She tugged on boots next, and reached for her simple crown, setting it atop her beautifully braided hair. Normally she would have gone for something a bit simpler, a bit more practical, but it was a formal event, and getting pretty could be fun sometimes, she'd discovered. Finally, she clasped the wolf pendant around her throat, letting out a soft sigh as she smiled at her reflection. Five years had gone by since the war had ended, since she'd become Queen Yelena Stark. Five years of peace in the North, peace in the South, and peace between them. Three years since her beautiful twins Robb and Myrcella had come into her life. She'd grown since then. True, she was still the same height (a very intimidating five foot two), but she was wiser, more patient, happier. She blinked, the sounds of horns pulling her from her thoughts.

When she emerged, she found her Uncle Jamie by the door. He gave a little bow as he smiled. "Shall we, Your Grace?"

She chuckled. "We shall." They headed off to the courtyard where she found Jon, Robb, Myrcella, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Lishay and Ghost already waiting. She smiled softly as she stepped into her place and Jamie stepped into his. She hadn't seen her in years...

Gasps filled the air as a mighty roar echoed across the skies, the sound of thundering horse hooves approaching from the Kingsroad. Then they saw the beast as it swooped low, letting out another call. They heard the sound of it landing outside the castle, soft growls rippling in the breeze. And then she came riding in on her beautiful white horse, her Queensguard and Hand by her sides. Yelena smiled as her eyes met Tyrion's. Daenerys slid from the back of her steed, striding over to the Queen of the North. A moment of silence passed, and Yelena's mind flashed back to this exact same place thirteen years ago when her father came to Winterfell. "Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen," she intoned. "First of her Name, Queen of the Six Kingdoms, the Andals, the Rhyonar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons," she managed to keep straight face. "You find yourself in the home and presence of Yelena of House Stark and House Baratheon, First of her Name, Lady of Winterfell and Queen of the North, the Trueblood, the Princess of Westeros, Bringer of Peace, the Cold Sword, Call of the Wolf, and Defiant of Death." The two were silent and stone faced for a moment. And then they broke out into laughter, stepping forward into a hug. "I've missed you Dany."

She smiled. "I missed you too. And you Jon." she pulled him into a hug as well before her eyes traveled to the twins, becoming soft as her smile widened. "Are these..."

"Robb and Myrcella Stark." Yelena nodded with a smile. "Pups, this is Aunt Dany."

Myrcella's eyes became the size of moons. "Aunt Da-ny? Dro-Dr-Drogon?"

Her mother laughed. "Yes, that was Drogon. We'll see him later."

"Well well, if it isn't my favourite sister."

Her eyes widened as she looked up to see a man with black hair and eyes bluer than the sky as he grinned at her. "Gendry!" she rushed over into a hug. "I didn't know you were coming!" she laughed.

He shrugged. "Wanted to keep it a surprise." The two had communicated plenty by raven in the past five years, and Yelena had gotten to know her brother better, though she rarely saw him. She looked around, smiling as she watched Jamie hug Tyrion. She'd missed having them all together.

She clapped her hands loudly, and the courtyard fell silent. "If we could please have things brought into guest rooms. Welcome, southern friends to the home of the wolf. Make it your home too as we enjoy our time together!"

That night was an amazing feast. The last time Winterfell held a feast for a southern ruler, she hadn't ever seen it, having fled to her room, but now she took in all its splendor, enjoying the sights, sounds and smells. They ate and laughed, the children met Drogon, old friends caught up... and Yelena knew that no matter how much they had lost to get here, this life was worth living. That love was worth living for in the end.

So, that's it, kin d of a cheesy ending, but I felt like Yelena needed a break from all the tragedy. I'm sad to say this is the end, but I'll be back soon with another story. I love you all so much and can't thank you enough for the reads, the votes, and just the general support. You are the reason I write.

Love, Eclipse

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