𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖘𝖎𝖝 ~ 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓

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IT TOOK HER A LITTLE WHILE, but she soon realised what she was doing; the Princess of Westeros was sulking. As soon as she realised it, Yelena hopped to her feet, crinkling her nose in distaste. She'd never gotten anything done like that. Not training, not surviving her brother, not escaping King's Landing and certainly not winning back the North. But what could she do now? In the distance, the screeches of dragons filled the air. Yelena's eyes narrowed in thought. Their mother seemed to be a good place to start.

When she finally found Daenerys, she was watching as her dragons soared gracefully through the air, an aura of contentedness around her. She approached slowly, not wanting to startle the other woman. "They're beautiful." she said, coming to a stop beside the queen.

"I named them for my brothers, Viserys and Rheagar. They're both gone now." Daenerys turned to look at her. "You've lost people too. People beyond count."

The princess smiled sadly. "Not beyond count. I remember them all..." her eyes turned back to the scaly beasts, and the queen's gaze followed.

"People thought dragons were gone forever, but here they are." she looked curiously at Yelena. "Perhaps we should all be examining what we think we know."

Amusement flashed through her eyes as she remembered seeing Tyrion speak to Jon. "You spoke with my uncle."

"He is my Hand."

"Well he does enjoy talking."

"We all enjoy what we're good at." it was hard to argue with that, only...

"My father never did." she murmured. "He took the throne from a man who wanted to burn everyone, and when he died it was taken by a woman who did burn everyone. He hated being king... but he did a better job than his predecessor and all of his successors. I like to think I'd do a good job, but I don't want it either."

Daenerys looked at Yelena as though she were entirely reassessing what she'd originally thought about the princess. "You know I'm not going to let Cersei stay on the Iron Throne."

"I never thought you would, and I wouldn't want you to."

"And you know I haven't changed my mind about which kingdoms are part of that throne."

Yelena sighed. "Well neither have I, but I'm not the King of the North. I'm just a princess, if I'm even that anymore."

"But you're more like me. We understand one another far better than any man could." After a second's hesitation, the princess nodded. "I will allow you to mine the dragonglass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you."

She blinked in shock. "Thank you. I... I don't expect you to believe us. I understand the struggle..." she shook her head. "But I swear to you, I'm no liar."

The queen's eyes returned to her dragons. "You'd better get to work, Yelena Baratheon."

And so she did. When she left, she headed straight for the castle doors and to the room across the hall from hers. When she reached the door, she rapped sharply without hesitation.

"Who's there?" called Jon's voice.

"It's me. Can I come in?" After a second, the door opened and he gestured for her to come inside.

"What is it?" when she turned to him again, amusement twinkled in his eyes. "You look like you might start hopping about."

She cocked a brow teasingly. "You might be a little nicer if you knew what just happened."


"Daenerys has agreed to let us mine the dragonglass." she told him. "She says she'll supply men and tools."

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